Forum Title: LIZZIE BORDEN SOCIETY Topic Area: Lizzie Andrew Borden Topic Name: J. V. Morse

1. "J. V. Morse"
Posted by njwolfe on Dec-29th-03 at 3:24 PM

2. "Re: J. V. Morse"
Posted by njwolfe on Dec-29th-03 at 3:53 PM
In response to Message #1.

oops i hit tab by mistake and the message went..(i smell a MAC)!
  This is kind of long, but I'm a fast typist and thought some of
you might not have read this regarding Dear Uncle John:
" 'AN AWFUL MISTAKE' Say the Friends of Morse In Regard to the Suspicion of Him.  New Bedford Standard.
  Thirty years ago there arrived at South Dartmouth, a bright-looking young man.  He had a keen eye and a manner about him which denoted that he had the making of a successful business man.  This was John V. Morse, whose name is unpleasantly connected with the Borden tragedy at Fall River, He asked Isaac C. Davis for work and, Mr. Davis gave it to him.
  This morning the writer started out to learn something about John
V. Morse, who at this time was located at South Dartmouth.  A vist there revealed the fact that there was no person as John W. Morse, but that John V. Morse, a relative of the murdered man, had been living with Isaac C. Davis and that he had gone to Fall River the day before the tragedy.
  Calling upon Mr. Davis, who lives on Potter's Hill, just before entering the village of south Dartmouth, much was learned concerning Morse, who, in fact, has been a member of the Davis family for about a year.  Mr. Davis, who is a butcher, is blind, and he has unbounded faith in him.  For that matter Morse has been his adviser in affairs of business and with his son William a close relationship has existed for some time.
  About two years ago he came East with a larg number of hourse of his own raising, and after disposing of many of these animals at Warren, R.I. whre he has an uncle, he made his appearance at Padananram.   There he disposed of the remainder of the horses, and about a month ago took up his residence at the house of Mr. Davis.  As before stated, Mr. Davis is blind and Morse has been his adviser.  His judgement in matters of business was considered good, and in nearly every particular his advice was asked.
  'Has he been hurt? Has he met with an accident?' were the questions asked.  They had read the particulars of the Borden tragedy as printed in the third edition of the Standard, but never for a moment dreamed that their friend was suspected of the crime.
  When told of the true situation of affairs each and every member of that household were completely surprised.  The first to recover from this startling intelligence was one of the daughters. 'It's nonsence,' said she 'John Morse thought too much of his brother-in-law to do such a thing as that.'
  'You are right' replied the aged father. 'He's too upright a man to harbor even such a thought. Why, sir, he thought as much of Mr. Borden as the day he married his sister who has since died, and he frequently spoke of his brother-in-law and nieces in endearing terms.  No sir, John V. Morse never committed that crime.  It's an awful mistake.  Why, I would have trusted him with everything in the world, and would as soon think of my own son doing the deed.'
  It was in like manner, that the daughters spoke of Morse. Davis, and in fact everyone present, gave him an excellent name, and felt confident that he would be able to clear himself from the terrible suspicion which at present is hanging over him.  If it is proved that John V. Morse is any way connected with this murder it will be as great a surprise to the members of the Davis family as was the finding of the murdered man & woman Thursday."
  I am only transcribing the paper here, I do not believe every word
of it but I think it is interesting.  Having watched so many "lifetime
true stories" and read so many Ann Rule and other true story books, I'm thinking dear Unc could have been a good Con-artist, feeding these people what he wanted them
to say.  Only a  year, not that long to really know someone! 

3. "Re: J. V. Morse"
Posted by Kat on Dec-30th-03 at 1:56 AM
In response to Message #2.

Thanks a lot for that nancie.
Evening Standard , August 5, 1892, pg. 4 )
For those who don't have the Evening Standard book, Did She, or Didn't She?  Or the C-D of some of those articles.

Morse did know and live with the Davis family before leaving the East years before.

"Mr. Davis greeted the Standard man kindly and furnished much material that has hitherto been unknown to the public.
John Vinecum Morse, he states, was born in Fall River, and about 30 years ago came to South Dartmouth looking for work.  He was given a job by Mr. Davis, and proving to be a steady and industrious young fellow the family soon learned to think a great deal of him.  After working for Mr. Davis a few years he packed up his clothes and went West. "

--When you edit a transcription, so we all know, can you please add the dot dot dot (  ...  )  where there is a skip?  Thanks a bunch.
Q.  What relation is Mr. Davis to you?
A.  None. Years before I went West, I worked for them in the meat business. I have always kept up correspondence since. It seems like home to me, and I like to stay there. Isaac C. Davis, his son, is in the meat business with him. The old man cannot see now, has a cancer. I stay there with them.

Q.  When Miss Davis came over, did you eat there then?
A.  Yes, we took dinner and supper.

I wish we knew more about him.  Born on P.T.Barnum's birthday does not predispose me to believing him.

(Message last edited Dec-30th-03  1:58 AM.)