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"Thanks for the memories"......

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:40 pm
by Bill Pavao
Hello Friends,

I hope everyone is doing well. I am slowly counting down the remaining school days until summer vacation. I apologize for not being more active on the forum for a while. School tends to take a lot of my personal time, etc.

After almost seven years, it is with mixed emotions that I publicly announce my "retirement" as volunteer curator of the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast/Museum. As most of you know, the sale of the house is due to be completed next week. At that time, I will no longer be associated with the house.

Originally, my intention was to resign quite a while ago when I moved from Fall River to Onset, MA. It takes about 30-40 minutes to drive the distance between the two towns. I knew then that the time I would have allocated for the Borden House would be less. I thought that it would be better for the business if they had a curator who lived in closer proximity who could be more immediately available.

At the same time, I felt a deep sense of personal obligation to Martha McGinn, Simone Evans, and to the memory of my friend, Ron Evans. Of course, I also had an obligation to the history of the Borden case as well. Martha assured me at that time that she wanted me to continue in my role as curator even though my active involvement in the house would be more limited [again mostly due to the distance from Fall River to Onset and the time demands my teaching career places on my personal time from September to June]. The pending sale of the house just seems like the natural end to my official career at the Borden House.

It has truly been my honor to have been the curator of the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast/Museum. I cannot begin to tell you how the Borden case and all those associated with it has enriched my life. I have met so many wonderful people and have had some fantastic experiences.

I want to take this opportunity to thank some very important people.

Martha McGinn.... Thank you for all you have done for me. I love you and am blessed to have you as my friend.

Simone Evans... Thank you for always being a wonderful person.

Ron Evans....Thank you for your friendship and for welcoming me as a part of the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast/Museum. The house would never have been a reality without your vision. Your memory lives in every room in that house. You have been missed by all those who were lucky enough to have called you a "friend".

Len Rebello...How can I thank you for all you have done to help me and the Borden House over the past seven years? It is impossible. However, please know that your help was invaluable in increasing the level of historical accuracy at the Borden House. Being involved with you on your book was an incredible experience. You are truly an amazing person and I am so lucky to have you as a friend. Students of the Borden case everywhere are forever grateful for all your scholarship.

I also want to thank all the employees at the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast/Museum whose dedication to the house was amazing. As a group, we have been through some very happy times and some very sad times. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. I hope our paths cross again.

George Quigley...You were the person responsible for securing my initial position as archivist at the Borden House. Thank you for all that you did in those early days on my behalf.

Stefani Koorey....Thanks for being my friend. You are a special person and I am honored and blessed to have you in my life.

Kat Koorey.....Thanks for your friendship. You, too are a special person and having you in my life has been wonderful.

Harry....Thank you for always being a gentleman and a scholar.

Bob Gutowski....I have not forgotten about you. Thanks for always being so nice and for being interested in Lizzie.

Just in case I have forgotten anyone, I will leave a blank line below for you to fill in your name!!!

Your name:________________________________ Thank you!!!!

My resignation from the Borden House does not mean that I am ending my interest in the Borden Case. I still plan on writing and working on further research. I have a few book ideas in the planning stages. One of which will be a collaboration between Len Rebello and myself. I will also be happy to stop in and visit on the forum.

Well....the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast/Museum has been a wonderful chapter in my life. I am so looking forward to all the chapters that are yet to come.

In Friendship,

Bill Pavao

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:10 am
by Harry
Hello Bill,

We can only imagine your feelings after years of devotion to the B&B. You can be proud of your part in its preservation and restoration. Well done!

Yes indeed, thanks to all the names you mentioned that helped to create, maintain and run the building.

I hope the B&B's loss will be the forum's gain and that you become an active member. Your past willingness to answer questions and provide information was much appreciated.

Again Bill, thanks for the job well done.


Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:34 am
by Kat
I have little tiny tears in my eyes over you.
But! We must buck up- buckeroo! There is still a future beckoning!
It was a wonderful experience at the house- a memory I will never forget.
You have been a dedicated curator, friend and scholar. Ron Evans placed his trust in you wisely!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:09 am
by Doug
Bill, though I have not met or corresponded with you I do want to acknowledge the effort and dedication you have put into 92 Second St. and "things Lizzie" over the years. Thank you!

Doug Parkhurst

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:37 am
by Bill Pavao
Doug @ Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:09 am wrote:Bill, though I have not met or corresponded with you I do want to acknowledge the effort and dedication you have put into 92 Second St. and "things Lizzie" over the years. Thank you!

Doug Parkhurst

Dear Doug,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it.


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:18 am
by Susan
Bill, I've benefitted so much from your wisdom of the Borden house on the forum in the past, that I'd like to add my name to the list of "Thank Yous" and "Best Wishes". It feels like the end of an era to me, no more Lizzie Borden Quarterly, the Borden house has sold, and now your retirement. I can only hope that if there is a new curator they will take on the job with the love and care that you did. Thank you again, Bill Pavao! :smile: