An Interesting thought: What if Abby Borden Killed Andrew first?

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An Interesting thought: What if Abby Borden Killed Andrew first?

Post by Curiousmind2014 »

Hello Everyone!

Posting here after a long time. However, I got back into the Borden Murder theories again, and never have I come across a theory which claims Abby Borden killed Andrew Borden. I personally think it is just a thought to be entertained. But following are the reasons:

1. Motivation: Tensions in house makes her financially insecure. She knows if he dies first, she would be left on the streets. So he has to go.
2. Opportunity: Abby Borden is alive and she is mingling with Lizzie & Bridget all this time. As Bridget heads upstairs and Lizzie heads out to the barn, Abby takes the opportunity to Kill Andrew with passion.

3. Abby gets caught: Abby is caught by Lizzie. Lizzie in rage, chases Abby upstairs and kills her even more passionately with a hatchet.

It becomes important for Lizzie that much more time has passed before Abby's body is discovered. If it is established that Abby died prior to Andrew, Andrew's wealth would flow down to his daughters.

Again, not a theory that I see happening. But I have never read anything which considers Abby to be the murderer. This theory pushes out various suspicious activities that have taken place at their home:

1. Stealing of Abby's property and some wealth. Maybe her way of separating off her wealth and keeping it at a safe place for her better future.
2. Murderer hiding for 90 mins in the house.

I would appreciate feedback.
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Re: An Interesting thought: What if Abby Borden Killed Andrew first?

Post by camgarsky4 »

Hi Curious! I'll be reading your other thread later today. Regarding this possibility, it would require that Bridget was 100% in on the cover up and fabricated a big chunk of her testimony.

Leaning into your thought on the other post that there was very little time after AJB got home for Lizzie to have murdered and cleanup. Wouldn't the same time constraints apply to this scenario, except to an even greater degree?

If Abby killed Andrew after Lizzie went to the barn (10:50ish), then Lizzie returns to the house around 11am (per Hiram Lubinsky), that leaves mere seconds for Lizzie to discover what Abby did, snatch the hatchet back from Abby, chase her up the stairs and hit her almost 20 times and cleanup before calling down Bridget. Then she would need to get Bridget on board with both murders before she was sent to fetch Bowen and Alice.

That all feels like too much to reconcile. What do you think after considering the time constraint?
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Re: An Interesting thought: What if Abby Borden Killed Andrew first?

Post by Curiousmind2014 »

I agree. Like i said, it is a theory that I don't see as a reality. But i hardly see this being mentioned. If people believe Lizzie can just do Andrew in 20 mins, why not just Abby?
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Re: An Interesting thought: What if Abby Borden Killed Andrew first?

Post by camgarsky4 »

I have timed myself a couple times to re-enact AJB's killing.

I start from when Bridget said she saw Lizzie leaving the kitchen and going into the dining room, striking AJB, washing hands and face, fast walking to the southeast corner of the Borden property, tossing the hatchet onto the Crowe barn and then returning to the side door and re-entering the house.

Took me around 7 minutes and the fastest I moved was a 'fast walk'. So it is very doable in 10 minutes.

That said, it would have been easier for Lizzie to look as pristine as she did if she had an accomplice. That is why I think that is certainly a possibility. I'm probably in the camp of 60% Lizzie acted alone and 40% she had a helper in the least for AJB.
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