New Membership will be put on hold

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Moderator: Adminlizzieborden

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Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:09 pm
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Real Name: Stefani Koorey
Location: Westport, MA

New Membership will be put on hold

Post by Adminlizzieborden »

Beginning this week, I will be putting all new membership on hold until further notice.

This forum, like most other forums, has lately been inundated with spammers who submit applications to join just to gain access to the site to spam the members. These applications for membership are submitted by robots called bots that automatically join forums. They spam members with all sorts of products, including porn sites, free offers, and drug ads.

This forum has always been operated with a safety net, meaning, I have to approve all members before they can join and can post and have access to you, the registered members of the forum. So none of the spammers have succeeded in spamming us.

However, the amount of work this makes for me, behind the scenes, is enormous as I must delete 10-20 applications for membership daily, by hand, one by one.

I have added modifications to the forum that are supposed to make this spamming more difficult to do, but the spammers have always found a way around the modifications. Until there is a better block available for me, I will be closing down new membership.

The people who developed the coding for this forum, the computer language that makes this forum run, are hard at work trying to find the perfect patch---as I said, spammers are attacking ALL forums out there. Until they come up with that patch, I am forced to take this action.

It is my responsibility to protect you as members from this unwanted intrusion. I have been diligent in this regard and will continue to do my very best to make sure we are all safe and sound---and that you don't have to worry about that kind of noise when we are here to talk about the case.


Stefani Koorey
Lizzie Borden Society Forum
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