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coffee can candle flashlight

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:43 pm
by Fargo
Here is another idea from way back. I am not sure if it was used in the victorian era though. If they had coffee cans back then, then it probably was.

You take an empty coffee can, you nail a wooden handle ( like the end of a broom handle ) to the bottom of the can from the outside.

You partialy flaten part of the rounded side, this becomes the bottom of the flashlight.

With some melted wax, you place a candle on the flatened bottom of the inside of the can.

The metal from the can becomes a reflector for the candle.

The can helps block the wind from blowing the candle out.

The handle is used to hold the light in the direction you want.

I made a couple of these years ago but I only tried them inside. I was always going to try it up at the lake on the dark road. That's where I learned about these coffee can candle flashlights. The old timers up at the lake used to use them when walking home at night.