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WARNING: Disturbing Images

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:49 pm
by Allen
The attack that happened in Woolwich is disturbing above and beyond anything I can comprehend. It was an attack in broad daylight. They tried to behead this man with a meat cleaver and a machete. Witnesses said they hacked at him like a piece of meat in full view of the public. This is truly horrifying. There is a video online that shows one of the suspects walking up and talking to a passerby just after the murder has taken place, while he is still holding the murder weapons in his bloody hands. What struck me is how very little blood was on this man. Other than his bloody hands he looks almost free from blood spatter. And I could not help but think that this is more evidence of how a murderer can commit a heinous crime and have very little clean up afterwards. How easy it would be to just do a quick clean up and walk away. It's chilling. It's absolutely chilling. Side Note: And I am sorry I posted this in Life In Victorian America. I am very tired and thought I had clicked on Stay To Tea. I am running on about 4 hours of sleep. My apologies.

Woolwich Terrorist Attack Suspect with Bloody Hands Speaks at Murder Scene

Re: WARNING: Disturbing Images

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:30 am
by PossumPie
Again, this demonstrates that horror movies with gallons of spurting blood are inaccurate. Blood only spurts from Arteries. They are high pressure. A sliced Carotid or Femoral Artery can spray several feet. The human head above the neck has no large arteries. There is a rich supply of blood to the scalp but mainly from smaller arterioles, venules, and capillaries. The splatter would be from hitting the same area more than once, similar to hitting a saturated sponge.