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So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:41 am
by Liz Crouthers
Soes anybody know things on his case

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:22 pm
by Mark A.
Short of the trail of both victims blood leading from the scene of the crime directly to OJ's house, up his driveway, into his bedroom and onto his sock, What I do know is that OJ is currently out on the Fairway at the 18th hole looking for the "real" killer as we speak.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:38 pm
by Smudgeman
Don't even get me started on the OJ case. The jury on that trial had to be brain dead or brainwashed. The man is 100% GUILTY!!!!! I still get angry when I think about it, the evidence against him was overwhelming, but Johnny Cochran made it a race thing. 2 innocent people are dead, and the killer continues to make himself believe he is innocent, my god.................

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:57 pm
by Liz Crouthers
Ha thanks guys

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:29 am
by Kat
I just came across this topic. I think I've recently solved the reason for the murders, after watching one of the documentaries on Aaron Hernandez.
I think OJ has this brain disorder (CTE): it would explain the rage that resulted in murder, lack of impulse control and quick temper, his flat affect after the crimes, his strutting affability, and also his criminal acts afterwards in Vegas.
I used to say he was an animal, but couldn't reconcile that with his ongoing popularity during the trial process.

This link is not why I figured it out, but I just looked it up to post it in case anyone doesn't know about Hernandez. ... brain.html

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:30 pm
by Reasonwhy
CTE has recently also been posited as one of the problems of Henry the VIII, who sustained two serious falls with head injuries, one while jousting. Makes a great deal of sense to me, Kat! I’m glad we did not have a son who may have wanted to play football…

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:39 pm
by Kat
That's pretty interesting!

I'm glad that, if true about OJ, he was not born a monster... But rather was made into one thru undiagnosed brain injury. It's still pathetic, if that happened- so many people have suffered. I guess, after he dies, an autopsy would be appropriate. I wonder if his family would give approval?

Growing up, my brothers and I were into playing baseball...but a person could still be hit by a baseball pretty hard! That didn't happen to us, tho. But when a person is into a sport where there's a potential for head injury, we just never thot of it, or took any precautions...I'm glad sports stories are making us more aware.

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:49 pm
by Reasonwhy
Me, too. New research is showing that females are more susceptible to concussion and to its lasting effects. I worry about all of the soccer concussions being sustained by middle- and high-school girls…see:

And here’s one of the articles on Henry VIII: ... henry-viii

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 12:01 am
by Kat
Thanks! I'll take a look. I actually was thinking about sports not usually associated with concerns over head injuries...

You know, I've been thinking about the Wild West, the people who crossed the country by horse and by wagon and by law enforcement,folks had to live off the land, forage for food and water, the uncertainty of homesteading, the rowdy towns that grew along the way... and wondering about the constant stress of survival, how dedicated were married partners to trust each other to make constant life and death decisions...running out of food and supplies, constantly at the mercy of bandits and those experiences could make people crazy- I mean literally paranoid, non-functionally crazy, the potential for violence, raising children under these conditions...The hooligans of the west seemingly made into heroes, their names passed into legend.
While we dissect the mind of a Fall River maiden, it makes me wonder how stable might have been the minds who settled the's almost scary. :shock:

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 12:08 am
by Reasonwhy
Remember my post about Lizzie’s friend, Lulie, who in her journal wrote about 15-yr.-old Lizzie’s fall and long recovery (discussed in Parallel Lives)? We don’t know the nature of Lizzie’s injury, but if it were to her head, CTE could even apply to her!

Re: So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 12:12 am
by Reasonwhy
Re the Wild West, this summer I read an account of the Donner party’s journey, which included most of what you describe. I’d had no real inkling before that. Yes, terrifying.

So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides...

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:02 am
by Kat
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there must be a H U G E divide between how people thought and acted back then, compared to now. It's almost overwhelming trying to put ourselves into those mindsets. I believe that a lot of folks had sanity issues maybe from poor nutrition, environmental contaminates, the way they were raised, lack of education, pressures from day to day living eking out a livelihood, stress.

So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:23 am
by Kat
National Enquirer, 1995 :arrow:

So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:12 am
by Kat
I remembered this topic because all this time I was sincerely hoping when OJ passed, his brain would be donated for research, and we might find out if there was some excuse for his barbarism.
Today I read the family says *no way,* and he will be cremated on Tuesday, according to his Executor ( who I never heard of).
So disappointed. :roll:
Why wouldn’t the family want to know the results, and maybe help other athletes, even if the finding for CTE was negative…

So anyone know anything on O.J. Simpson besides compares

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 1:20 am
by Kat
I was trying to figure out who “owns the body.” Like, is it the oldest first born- Arnelle?-(his parents are dead) and since he died in Vegas can that authority autopsy him or did he still own a home in Florida…who has jurisdiction over his body?
The spokesman for all this keeps referring to “The family” this and “The family” that.
I can only think of 4 adult children…so are they all in charge?
These may seem like stupid questions, but I wanna know, and I always have questions! :wink:

OJ’s supposed to be cremated today and I sure want his brain scanned! Been waiting a while!