AOL log off problems, Usage issues with the Forum [RESOLVED]

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AOL log off problems, Usage issues with the Forum [RESOLVED]

Post by Adminlizzieborden »

Anther AOL issue has arisen that may or may not affect you. If you are one of the users who seems to be having problems logging off from the forum, it is indeed an AOL issue and not one that can be fixed from this end.

phpBB, which is the coding used for this forum, uses sessions to "track" users as they move between pages, forums, topics, etc. A session is made up of a unique character session_id which identifies the current user. This value is stored in either a temporary (i.e. it's deleted when the browser window is closed) cookie on the users machine or if that doesn't seem to be working it's appended to all URLs.

Problems arise with how some ISPs operate their systems. Instead of forwarding the user's real IP or indeed a different but static IP they simply make available only the IP of the proxy being browsed. The larger ISPs do not use a single proxy or cache, the load upon it and data passing through it would be far too great. Instead they use several systems in a "proxy farm". A user browsing the web may be switched between these machines from one page to another (to help distribute load), with the IP changing as they go.

Obviously a problem then exists in that phpBB's ability to tie a users session to a unique id and an IP fails ... because the IP is constantly changing. There are some "nice" ISPs out there that run these farms within a single "class" or block of IPs.

The problem is that for users whose session is forever being renewed due to their IP changing this extra level of checking can cause issues. For many ISPs the noted changing of 6 to 4 in the IP validation check will be sufficient ... however AOL crops up as the sore thumb.

For security reasons we cannot disable IP validation. So we are forever locked in a struggle with AOL over these issues.

I sincerely recommend that those of you who use AOL decide to use a different browser to access this forum.

A quick fix, but one that will not work for very long, is to clear your cookies and temp internet files. But the best solution is to use a different browser.
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Post by Adminlizzieborden »

I made some fixes that I hope will help with this log in problem, as well as the other issue with AOL concerning members not getting their email notifications from this forum. Please keep me informed of any issues as they arise. I will keep on top of this to insure that all users have a safe and uncomplicated visit to the Lizzie Borden Society Forum. :-)
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Post by 1bigsteve »

Thank you, Stefani.

I am not having any problems with this site myself but then I'm using a local ISP and not AOL. AOL has been causing problems with real-time stock traders because of the way AOL routes net traffic so many traders, including myself, avoid it. Maybe they ought to name it America "Off" Line.

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Post by Smudgeman »

Well, I have been having alot of problems lately. Problems logging off, logging in, and yesterday I could not get in at all. I am using my computer at work now so everything is fine. My question is, how do I change browsers? Thanks

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Post by 1bigsteve »

Sometimes I get, like I am now, a "ERROR Url cannot be found" notice when I go between pages but that doesn't happen too often. I don't know if switching browsers would work, if this problem is caused by AOL itself. I use IE. I'm not a computer expert. Too bad we don't have Kevin Poulsen on this forum. :smile:

AOL's tacticts were described a few years ago to us stock traders like this: "If you were in a mall and wanted to go from Macy's to Sears you would go in a staight line. However, AOL forces you to take a gander through every shop between Macy's and Sears." So a stock trader's buy and sell signals were getting delayed or not getting through at all because of the rerouting of the net traffic. Kind of like watching a movie and having to endure a bunch of commercials that you don't want to see. That was the way it was described to me. Whether or not that is the problem Stefani is faced with now I really don't know. I'm still "computer stupid." :peanut19:

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Post by Smudgeman »

Well, I guess I am permanently logged in to the forum, as AOL will NOT let me log off. I keep getting the "invalid session" message. Even if i close out of the forum and come back in, I can't log off!!!
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Post by Adminlizzieborden »

Delete your cookies and your internet temp files. See if that does it.

I asked Harry about this as he is a PC user and I use a Mac. I don't know why, but I guess I assumed that PC users were more likely to use AOL than mac users.

He found this web site which offers an explanation of using the Firefox browser with AOL.
. ... h_aol.html

Firefox is a self installing program so you don't have to be a techie to install it. You download it, save it to a folder, and then double click on it. It has an extension of .exe. It will place an icon on the desktop which should enable you to access it. You can get it here:

Can I ask why you would use AOL in the first place when there are other less expensive and easier internet companies out there? Just asking, no judgment implied.
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Post by Stefani »

I made an adjustment to the coding of the sessions file to help this issue. Please empty your cookies and temp internet files and try again. Then let me know if this works for you.
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Post by 1bigsteve »

Stefani @ Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:13 pm wrote:I made an adjustment to the coding of the sessions file to help this issue. Please empty your cookies and temp internet files and try again. Then let me know if this works for you.

I have my IE browser rigged up to automaticlly delete temp files when I close the browser. I have to delete the cookies myself at the end of each week or so. I also have it rigged to refuse cookies from certain sites like CNN. Temp files can really load up a browser in a hurry. That has caused me a lot of trouble in the past.

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Post by Smudgeman »

I deleted my cookies and temp. internet files, and I was finally able to log off. i t seems to be working just fine now, however, yesterday I was getting all kinds of strange messages. I have been with AOL for 5 or so years now, and have never had any problems really. I have tried Earthlink, Netscape, and a few others and did not like them. Also, I think once you download AOL software, it is very difficult to change providers, because there is ALWAYS a glitch somewhere. So you get frustrated and just stay with what works. Maybe that is how they keep their customers? Hold their computers hostage and they will have no choice but to obey.... :shock:
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Post by Smudgeman »

I downloaded Mozilla/Firefox, so hopefully these problems will go away. I have been wanting leave AOL for some time now, it is expensive, and sometimes annoying but there are alot of cheaper providers that really are CHEAP! Anyone have any suggestions?
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Post by 1bigsteve »

There is an old saying in the big business world: "It is easier to ask forgiveness for screwing your customers than it is to ask for permission to screw your customers." Most businesses do the former and when they get caught they always say one of three things:

A. We catagorically deny any knowledge... (you had plenty of knowledge)
B. It was an isolated incident... (no it wasn't)
C. It was an oversight on our part and we are working closely with the authorities in this investigation... (you have no choice)

Not that AOL does anything like that. Of course not. Once a company has you for a customer it is hard for them to let you go. Just look at the stuff going on at Microopoly, umm I mean Microsoft. Sorry, Bill.

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Post by Harry »

AOL is somewhat unique in that they are a browser and an ISP and the two are interlinked.

Personally, I use Earthlink as my ISP and Firefox as my browser. I also use Netscape occasionaly as a browser and use the mail program on Netscape for my e-mails. Firefox does not have an e-mail program associated with it. Most Firefox users use the free e-mail program Thunderbird, which is also from Mozilla.

As far as ISP's go you may want to check this web site. Enter your area code and you will get an extensive list of ISP's that handle your area.

Sometimes a local ISP is okay and the attention they pay to any problems you may have may be quite good. The national ones all have shipped the technical advice jobs overseas. I recently had DSL modem problems and Earthlink worked quite hard in getting the problem solved.
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Post by 1bigsteve »

Thank's, Harry.

I have often wondered about Earthlink. A singer I talk with has had her online business handled through Earthlink for several years. My local ISP is pretty good in dealing with a problem but if something "breaks" after they close shop I have to endure the problem until they get back into their shop at 10:00AM the next morning. That is 17 hours with no service! When you make a living trading stocks you can't afford to have an ISP that is not reliable 25/8. They seldom admit they ever had a problem, they almost never answer their email and trying to talk with a tech person on the phone is like trying to talk with President Kennedy and he's dead! Often times their servers won't answer my modem or demand my password when it is right there on the screen in plain site. A few days ago I had to wait a full day before I could retrieve my email. Fortunately they fix a problem quickly as soon as they finish their latte and muffin.

I'll try this link and see what I can come up with. Thank's again, Harry.

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Post by Harry »

The service at ISP's, like everything else varies. I started out with a local dial-up years ago and I know what you mean about after hours service.

BTW, ISP's offering DSL service can be found on this page of The List:

Good luck in the day trading. I don't have the nerves for that. Loved the first two days of this year.
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Post by 1bigsteve »

Thank's for this additional lead, Harry. I want to graduate to DSL soon.

I don't day trade, that would take too much software and more nerves than I got. I do short term or swing trading. I buy one day and may not sell for a week or two. Sometimes I'll earn 30-50% return in 3 or 4 hours when a stock suddenly jumps out of the gate. I hate that quick nerve wracking move but the money is good. I like it slower.

-1bigsteve (o:
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