The cheapening of Maplecroft

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The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Been waiting for this. It has started. The owners of Maplecroft have started their deceit and fraud. Planting the seed. As expected; the ghost thing has started. The whack jobs are oozing from their unscrupulous and deceitful lairs and have begun to spread their bulls--t.

Follow the money. It's all about profit. Nothing to do with history. As I mentioned in my "Maplecroft Obituary" on another post. Any decorum or dignity bestowed onto Maplecroft will soon be dismantled, destroyed, and crapped on. It will become just a ghost fun house. Anyone who believes that Maplecroft is haunted should get their head examined. This is simply a profit ruse by some deceitful individuals.

Below is an article from the Fall River Herald News, who appear complicit in the whole spirit thing. Believe me. I spent enough time inside Maplecroft. There are no spirits. The amount of deceit and made up information is disgusting and scheming. And this entire article is appalling and insulting. Fake news has nothing on what the Herald News reports here. Of course they call it entertainment. I call it shameful.


And one paranormal investigator says he knows who killed the Bordens

FALL RIVER — The doors to Lizzie Borden’s Maplecroft may still be closed to the public, but its portal to the spirit world is wide open and unexplored.

Recently purchased by the owners of the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast — a highly investigated house that some call “haunted” — Maplecroft is attracting a growing ensemble of paranormal investigators, ghost hunters, psychics and mediums.

“There was a lot of activity,” said Glenn Teza, a psychic, clairvoyant and medium, who visited Lizzie Borden’s last abode a week ago. “I was really surprised. I didn’t expect anything paranormal.”

Lizzie moved into Maplecroft, 306 French St., in 1893 with her sister Emma after she was acquitted of the hatchet murders of their father and stepmother — an internationally famous unsolved murder case to this day. Lizzie lived in the grand home in a posh city neighborhood until her death in the house in 1927.

Teza, of New Jersey, said he didn’t expect any activity when he made his visit to Maplecfort for the first time, but he got quite a shock.

Teza said he saw “orbs” of light moving in the front parlor “akin to a snow storm.” He witnessed images of a party at Maplecroft, from more than a century ago, and quite a few spirits, including a couple of curious strangers not amused by his visit.

In fact, Teza claims to have seen Lizzie herself.

The parlor, where Lizzie was waked, had been “transported back to an Easter themed soiree,” Teza said. “It was some sort of charitable event.”

There were children outside taking part in an Easter egg hunt. Inside, a pianist entertained in the parlor while others, some of which appeared to be actors and actresses, chatted to one another. Lizzie’s two little dogs were also there.

“I did see Lizzie in the hallway in a deep purple satin dress,” Teza said. “She looked like she did when she was acquitted, but not as heavy. She was fairly young.”

He said Lizzie had “striking eyes,” a shade of gray that looked almost lavender near her dress, and was wearing “little brown glasses. She smiled. It was a very pleasant smile.”

Emma was also at the party, dating the event between 1893 and 1905, the year Emma moved away from Maplecroft and became estranged from her sister.

“When Emma saw me, she left the room,” Teza said. “Emma wasn’t a friendly character.”

Upstairs in a small room on the third floor, thought to have been used for séances in Lizzie’s time, Teza found two more spirits: an “older gentleman” and a woman, both mediums. The gentleman, he said, “stood up” and looked “indignant” to have been interrupted. “That gave me the willies,” he said.

Sue Vickery, paranormal investigator and a tour guide at the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast Museum, said she also found some activity at Maplecroft.

“It’s an active house,” Vickery said. “I wanted to be one of the first to get there.”

The B&B – where the murders occurred — has been heavily investigated by local and faraway paranormal experts, as well as those from cable networks like the Travel Channel. Maplecroft will likely become another popular haunt for spirit experts.

With a white noise box, Vickery said she spoke to Lizzie, who answered “Hello,” and said the name “Nance,” in response to a question about Lizzie’s actress friend Nance O’Neal. Vickery said there was also a man in the house. She used a parascope as well in her investigation that lit up when Lizzie was instructed to walk toward it.

Vickery said she had never been into the occult until her first day of work at the B&B about five years ago when a “woman spoke into my ear.”

When Vickery was featured on an episode of “Kindred Spirits” last year, she learned that her grandparents — and now her dad — are spirits that visit her at the B&B — a house that is “open” to activity due to investigators constantly calling into the spirit world.

When Teza was asked if the house was haunted, he said he didn’t believe it was haunted but does host a variety of spirits.

He said Lizzie is a spirit who visits Maplecroft and the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast Museum. Spirits, he said, are simply the dead roaming free, and that the dead are all capable of this travel. Ghosts are another story. Ghosts are “stuck,” or tied to a place because of some unfinished business, Teza explained.

The Easter party he saw at Maplecroft was an “imprint,” of a scene being played out, one that held a lot of emotion. Teza said spirits can visit those past events and “in the now. It’s kind of like you’ve got two things going on at once.”

Teza has long been psychic. He said it started when he was about 4-years old, and though he shied away from it for years, it seeped back into his life “little by little.” He’s worked professionally for 32 years, offering readings, consultations, and aids in police investigations.

“I’ve embraced it,” Teza said. “I have a lot of success and a lot of failure. It’s not an exact science.”

Teza, who’s been visiting the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast Museum for years, is working on a book about what’s he’s seen and heard, including the murder of Andrew and Abby Borden.

He said the first time he visited the B&B some years back, he saw and felt it immediately in “vivid color,” the “blood, the smell, the emotions.”

Teza said: “There was blood everywhere” including in the kitchen and much more than articles and stories have reported.

“I saw who did it and why,” Teza said. “I see and feel everything the victim goes through.”

“It was Lizzie.” Teza said. Lizzie committed the murder and maid Bridget helped her clean the scene and “they did a good job of it.”

He said it was a premeditated murder following a lot of stress in the household about finances, and everyone was in on the crime or knew about it, including the sister who was away at the time. Uncle John Morse was there to mediate between the sisters and their parents, but no compromises were reached. Andrew Borden burned his will. The next day, Lizzie decided to take care of things herself.

Lizzie “got lucky,” Teza said. He said there was still a little blood on her that was missed by police.

Teza said he’ll include his experiences at Maplecroft in the book, not yet titled, along with photos of paranormal activity at both houses. He expects the book to be out by summer.

Despite committing murder, Teza said Lizzie “lived the rest of her life pretty happily” at Maplecroft. And, he said Lizzie is happy with the restoration of her beloved home.

Owners Donald Woods and Lee-ann Wilber hope to open Maplecroft to the public at the start of April.

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Susib »

how sad :(
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Yes, Susib. To me it is sad...


To me I see the historical aspect of Maplecorft. A home and one inhabited by an Edwardian personage of great interest, not only to the city of fall river but all over the world. (Lizzie's time in Maplecorft can be described as being more Edwardian than Victorian.)

Unfortunately Lizzie has gained universal notoriety like Jack the Ripper. But unlike Jack, we know so much more about Lizzie, and later, Lizbeth.... who she was, where she lived, the places she visited, etc. Not only that but according to the justice system, with emphasis on "justice", she was found not guilty. We know almost nothing about Jack. Not even his name. (Though some claim to)

Of course, the supposed 'custodians' at 92 Second Street, who consider the place a 'museum', and shamelessly so, have destroyed any serious history in the house and turned the building into a fun house, destroying any merit to those who once lived there, and who have just become profitable pawns and commercial jesters...... just entertainment and frivolous harlequins for the masses.

Now the same "museum wanna-bes" are prepared to dismantle any grandeur and respectability which lay dormant in the annals of Maplecroft and make it one big joke.... thus cheapening the significance and life of one Lizzie Andrew Borden.

Oh sure, Maplecroft will be a great hit. They'll make a lot of money. Especially by hiring such snake oil fraudsters as this glenn teza. (Small 'g' small 't', for you know what.) This entire thing is a money making machine for all involved. And he sets it all up beautifully, telling people what they want to hear..... for example.

Claims are made: (to those who believe it, please get help)

Teza. saw Lizzie at an Easter party she was having... with a bunch of children in the yard engaged in an egg hunt.

Claims Lizzie was having a charitable event.

At the party were actors and actresses. Oh yes, and Lizzie's two dogs were there. Appears that 'teza' didn't know Lizzie had 3 dogs, and perhaps not all at the same time. In this article claims are made that someone spoke to Lizzie and that she said 'hello' and, lo and behold, called out for Nance.

He said Lizzie looked young and had brown glasses. He also saw Emma. Emma saw him, to which he seems to imply upset her, so she left the room. That she was not friendly.

Oh yes, and that Lizzie held séances in her day on the third floor. (If she did it wouldn't be on the third floor. This was the domestic sleeping area. Get your history in order Mr. teza if you wish to hone your hoax.) Teza even claims to have seen an older man and women, both mediums, who again were upset with his appearance. Apparently, this gave teza "the willies." This is a fellow who claims to have been "seeing things" for 32 yeas and still gets the 'willies'.

Teza claims to have seen blood all over the kitchen at 92 Second and that there was more blood on articles, more than was ever reported. And that there was blood on Lizzie that the police missed. DO I SMELL A BOOK IN THE WORKS :?:

Sure enough. Glenn teza is working on a book. Probably is working on it with the spirits of Arnold Brown, Victoria Lincoln, and Frank Speiring.

Don't be surprised if it ends with his vision of Lizzie Borden and Jack the Ripper hand in hand.

If you are an historian, critical scholar or student of Victorian/Edwardian times, and of documented history this sort of thing just does not go over well. And there are many of us disgusted by the route Maplecroft is about to take.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Stefani »

I'm struck by the idea that dogs have souls and thus can be ghosts. Why would all those children also "haunt" Maplecroft---in the yard? And Emma? She left there in 1905, never to look back. So why is she appearing before this "psychic" and present at this event?

I think he thinks he is watching some "replay" of some party---that he alone can see the past. How egotistical is that?

I have spent the night at Maplecroft and been inside literally dozens of times. There is no haunting there. No noises other than radiators heating and cooling.

I knew that this would happen when the house went to Woods. This is his business model. Now comes the circus.
Read Mondo Lizzie!

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Oh darn it. I'm dying. What to wear, what to wear? :?: :shock: :roll: :oops:

So, apparently when you pass to the other world you display yourself as a spirit fully clothed. And you get a choice in what to wear and what age you want to show yourself. Glenn Teza said he saw Lizzie as a young women.

And children playing in the yard. Did these children all die as children and all get together and plan to appear as children in unison. Why would they go back to Maplecroft? I suppose it was the highlight of their lives, an egg hunt at Maplecroft. Can you display yourself in more than one place at a time?

Now... I believe that there are occurrences and exploits that are not explained. I have had some happen to me. Event for which there is no explanation. Some really scary.... even spiritual. Yes these things happen, but not to the extent this Teza person carries it. If he indeed believes it all, he is likely mad. But if you believe it all than he is a genius.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

In conclusion, since there's a ton of other Bordenian subject matter we can be talking about, and others waiting in line and praying this dude would just shut up...

I have lived next door to Maplecroft for over 25 years. Most of it was all bad. Until Kristee Bates came into the picture. One of the few people that poured her heart into Maplecorft, and the actual building, and milked her passion and soul into its history and folklore. She also nursed me into helping her with Maplecorft and involving me in its history, tales, and fables.

And after having worked on the building and crawling through its rooms, climbing onto its roofs, peeking into closets, and tight spaces, I have gained a fondness for its architecture and antiquity both physical and historical.

It's just sad to think that someone is going to turn Maplecroft into tacky and schlocky exhibition. A cheap hussy.

And with that I have said enough.

Oh no, wait, one more thing :!:

(I'm a bit of a bird watcher. I always kept a bird feeder in the back yard and always noticed what sort of birds visited the neighborhood. I've seen hawks and owls, finches and jays, robins, wrens and sparrows. But never crows. Not sure why, but never crows. But for the past week crows have awaken us in the early morning. And this morning there were a small flock of them on the lawn behind Maplecroft, crowing away. Weird.

Or perhaps a bad omen.

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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It is a big business, really sad but I think mbhenty you have been very privileged ( I secretly envy you.lots) . :smile:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

Teza is 'working on a book'. That often means reading books, over a generous & dilatory stretch of time. It’s very evident he has read the material - so much so, you wonder why the spirits need tell him anything. But solving the murders on the authority of everyone involved, is a sound move; we can't really disprove what he has to say. Unless Lizzie gets herself another psychic author. 'Lizzie says the last book was a load of crap...' Teza's vision at Maplecroft is ambitious isn't it? Full cast, plenty going on. So if you pay your money & you too can boast of psychic sensitivity there'll be time to examine Lizzie's spectacles & choice in reception gowns & she'll appear to you very close-up at an attractive point in her life before she got fat. Meet the dogs, meet the family all having tea & presumably letting bygones be bygones - except Emma, disapproving on cue - & chat with Nance about LGBT issues. Bridget bickers in brogue. Perhaps Teza wants to take B & B shenanigans to a whole new level. These places like 92 Second, they have a 'resident psychic' nowadays don't they. Which almost sounds like an academic tenure, if you're stupid.

When he goes upstairs & is frightened by othertimes mediums at work - I've seen that scene before. It's in The Others. Fun Fact - Fionnula Flanagan, who was Elizabeth Montgomery's Bridget Sullivan, plays a lead role in The Others.

...I don’t see why dogs shouldn't get an equal crack at being ghosties. A 'soul' won't be confined to just human animals. If anything dogs are probably more intact as to spiritual energy, & the average dog will come a long way for Snossages
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Make it stop :!: Make it stop :!: :sad:

Still 8 plus hours of snow to fall and already there are loads on the ground. Reports of upwards of 24 inches in the Maplecorft area. (They keep amending the depths. The outcome will be closer to 15 inches.)

Here are some Maplecroft photos, taken at noon time on the 13th of March. Yep today....
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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Two more :cry: :cry: :-| (Onsloe, saying to himself, "what in the world is that stuff?)

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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Forgot this one.... :roll:

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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Come :!: and sit in my yard. Watch it snow on Maplecorft. :santa:

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

MB - Your Wheaten, has he reacted to anything inside Maplecroft? Like all dogs, he'll be a much better 'psychic' than us.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Susib »

Love the snowy pictures, thank you Mbhenty :eek:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

No, not really InterestedR. I never took Onsloe inside Maplecroft due to respect for Kristee, the owner. Though we had our daily walk around the house when I was doing a security check. (Onsloe, not Kristee :lol: :shock: :roll: :oops: ) And if I had something to do I would tie Onsloe on Lizzie's porch where he would sit quietly.

Now, I had another Wheaton Terrier named Shannon. He use to stare into a dark room or at a wall and begin to bark, like he was witnessing something or someone. I think he had some spirit dog in him. Not Onsloe.


Thanks susib. I also like the photos. Eye candy. I must have nurtured the habit from my comic book days when I was a boy. I like the visual. So here are a couple of more: of my back yard.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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The photo below is a snow drift over 3 feet up the wall, along the back of my home. I always remembered these drifts when I was a little boy. I even wrote in and described such a scene in "Lizzie Borden the Girl With the Pansy Pin" in chapter one. For some reason snow storms back when I was a little boy were much bigger. Or perhaps it was that I was just that much smaller.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Fargo »

I wonder if there will be a ceramic Maplecroft that lights up like the house on second street
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

Thank you for the update on Maplecroft, MB. I agree with you, this article goes way beyond being shameful. Glenn Teza, Sue Vickery and especially Deborah Allard should cover and then hang their heads in disgrace for being a part of spreading such lies! Deborah Allard of all people should know better.

Stefani, I also want to thank you for your input on this thread. If anyone knows the truth about Maplecroft having paranormal activity or not; it is the two of you.

Looking into the past owners of Maplecroft, I found absolutely no mention nor evidence of paranormal activity, after the Borden sisters had passed away. I’m sure if there had been paranormal activity, it would have been a well known part of Maplecroft’s history.

Maplecroft was built in 1889, for Charles Allen, who lived in the house until he sold it to the Borden sisters in 1893.
Lizzie and Emma Borden owned the house from 1893 to 1927.
Maplecroft remained vacant (estate proceedings) from 1927 to 1933.
From 1934 to 1949, Maplecroft was owned by Herman and Fannie David (15 years; no paranormal activity reported).
From 1950 to 1980, the house was owned by Mr. Frank M. Silvia, Jr. (30 years; no paranormal activity reported).
From 1980 to November of 2014, Maplecroft was owned by Robert J. Dube (34 years; no paranormal activity reported).
From November of 2014 to February of 2018, Maplecroft was owned by Kristee Bates (3 years; no paranormal activity reported).
Mbhenty has lived next door to Maplecroft for 25 years, as well as had the privilege of watching over the house for the past 3 years. (No paranormal activity reported).
Stefani Koorey has been inside of Maplecroft a number of times and she has even spent the night at the house. (No paranormal activity reported).

Yet we are to believe that after Maplecroft was purchased by Donald Woods and Lee-Ann Wilber in February of 2018, and Donald Woods’ son, Ryan, moves into Maplecroft and in less than a month of living at the house, he thinks Lizzie is there. (Not Lizbeth, but Lizzie) Furthermore, by March 5th of 2018, it is reported in The Herald News that Glenn Teza, a psychic, clairvoyant and medium, claims there is a lot of spirit activity going on at Maplecroft! He also claims that that he doesn’t believe Maplecroft is haunted but it does host a variety of spirits.

One of the things I find interesting is that the ‘Paranormal activity at Maplecroft’ video ( ) was published to YouTube, on March 2, 2018, but the article in The Herald News, wasn’t published until March 5, 2018. Hmmmm… BTW, I could not finish watching the ‘Paranormal activity at Maplecroft’ video. It was hard to listen to, and just seemed so fake.

I suppose if Donald Woods and Lee-Ann Wilber would purchase the Ferry Street house, then it would have paranormal activity as well. It is beyond me why these people feel the need to create a falsehood involving paranormal activity, when the facts of Andrew and Abby Borden’s murders hold all of the elements of a great mystery, that has lasted 125 years, and continues to be an unsolved. Non-fiction is much more intriguing than fiction.

Sources: Articles in The Herald News on February 26, 2018 and March 5, 2018 ( and ), as well as page 287 of Len Rebello’s book, Lizzie Borden: Past & Present.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

MB, I love the photos of Maplecroft during the snow storm of March 13, 2018. Thank you for posting them; what a winter wonderland - they are absolutely beautiful! I especially love pictures you post of Onsloe! He steals my heart. :grin:

BTW, I also remember snow drifts when I was a child being a lot bigger; the snow banks were over the top of my fathers truck.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

Hello Judy 😊 Well they're reporting 'paranormal activity' to make Maplecroft a going concern - to have both properties 'on the map' of ghost tourism. Most prospective punters won’t know that Maplecroft has never been haunted before. It’s a sweet business model, when you think about it. No critic can prove it isn’t haunted just as no sideshow psychic can prove it is. There'll be a lot of impressionable customers happy to believe it must be.

I wonder about Lee-Anne Wilbur at 92. She says she has 'paranormal' experiences so as to make money. That must take a stolid lack of imagination. I couldn't myself live there without fearing something nerve-wracking happens in the night, once at least, even if it's never happened before. I assume Wilbur is confident it won’t happen so she's happy to lie, & exploit fear for money. If that were me running a ghost brothel, I'd be worried about some retributive manifestations.

Apparently, the people who had 92 when it was the Leary Press, they did say the house was active.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by KGDevil »

I loved the house when it was owned by the previous owners. They were good people. They didn't push it as a three ring ghost circus the way this Wilbur women does. And the previous owners were very well read on the case. Lady Wilbur not so much. She doesn't seem knowledgeable about much. Her only interest is whatever makes money. History and facts might get in the way of that. So, out with the back yard. I had wanted to visit the house again. I don't think they could pay me to stay there now.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Hey, you say your fence is leaning and about to fall down? Well, get yourself a pitchfork and 'fork' it up, or 'pitch' it into place. Saves you money :!:

This fence has been on the ground on and off for the past year or so and has been held up by lumber of various lengths. (You can see some to the right in the photo below) The fence sits between Maplecroft and the Swift house. It has seen better days and the cedar posts are all rotted. Time to replace it. Or get another pitchfork in place. They should use the new 'hurricane fence-fork' from walmart, or the new 'squirrel proof fence pitchfork' on Amazon. Though you can still pitch hay with both. But then that would mean you would need to get yourself a horse, a barn, etc. Could be very expensive and replacing the fence a better idea. Personally I would have used a hoe. Much more inconspicuous. Also, a hoe is cheaper than a a pitchfork. Welcome to the Highlands.

In all respect to Maplecroft, I believe the fence is owned by the proprietor of the Swift house.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

The end of a somewhat dendrological era has come to pass. I've been studying and watching one of Lizzie's two massive maple trees and the changes they have undergone for over 25 years. One of them for the past two years was in danger of coming down. Every wind storm I would stand by the window and watch it sway. Massive thing. It is believed that Lizzie planted the two maples.

Today at least one of them is coming down. If Lizzie's watching I'm certain her heart is broken. ( If she ever had one, you may say?)

In Maplecroft's yard is one of the biggest cranes I have ever witnessed in the taking down of a tree. You should see some footage of the dismantling of the maple on soon.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :roll:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Well, they just started taking down Lizzie's other Maple. I thought that perhaps they were only going to take down the tree that was leaning and about to fall, but truth is that both trees were at the end of their life spans.

Good-bye Trees! :!: :cry: :cry: :cry: Thanks for the shade, the birds, the color, and the autumn leaves. And it's ok that you littered my yard, and deposited moss on my sidewalk, and lichen on my roof shingles. You had a right to be here as much as my building. :roll:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

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All Gone :arrow:

Thanks to the administrator of this forum for taking the pictures.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

InterestedReader wrote: Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:40 pm Hello Judy 😊 Well they're reporting 'paranormal activity' to make Maplecroft a going concern - to have both properties 'on the map' of ghost tourism. Most prospective punters won’t know that Maplecroft has never been haunted before. It’s a sweet business model, when you think about it. No critic can prove it isn’t haunted just as no sideshow psychic can prove it is. There'll be a lot of impressionable customers happy to believe it must be.

I wonder about Lee-Anne Wilbur at 92. She says she has 'paranormal' experiences so as to make money. That must take a stolid lack of imagination. I couldn't myself live there without fearing something nerve-wracking happens in the night, once at least, even if it's never happened before. I assume Wilbur is confident it won’t happen so she's happy to lie, & exploit fear for money. If that were me running a ghost brothel, I'd be worried about some retributive manifestations.

Apparently, the people who had 92 when it was the Leary Press, they did say the house was active.
Hi Wendy! :grin: I agree with almost everything you posted. This is the first time I have heard of Lee-Ann Wilbur saying that she has paranormal experiences in order to make money. Am I reading your post correctly? If so, where did you hear this interesting piece of information from? The only time I have heard Lee-Ann speak about the haunting of 92 Second Street is when she appeared on the Montel Williams show to discuss her paranormal experiences with psychic Sylvia Browne. The show aired on Halloween, October 31, 2007. For those who have not seen this show, here is the link to it:

I posted the information in my previous post to mainly show our new forum members that Maplecroft has had no reported paranormal activity, sprits nor ghosts, prior to Donald Woods purchasing it. I strongly feel that as knowledgeable forum members, we owe it to our new members to present them with as accurate information as possible. Unfortunately, people are going to believe whatever they believe, whether it can be proven or not, however, I am sure that if Maplecroft had paranormal activity in the past, it would have been front page, headline, news; simply because Lizzie Borden lived in the house until her death.

There were several people who owned 92 Second Street, while the Leary Press was still standing. The Leary Press was built in 1940. Mandel Mark owned the house until March 27, 1940, when he sold it to The Fall River Trust Company. They owned the building until they sold it to Wilfred J. and Alice A. Gingras, on September 3, 1943. The Gingreas’ sold the property to the Smart Advertising, Inc. In 1996, the Smart Advertising, Inc. was inherited by Martha McGinn and long time employee Ron Evans. They converted the house into the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast Museum. Martha McGinn sold the property to Donald Woods of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, on June 18, 2004. On April 27, 2005, the Leary Press was demolished. ( Sources for this summary of information: Rebello, Lizzie Borden Past & Present, Page: 35, and my own internet research. )

However, the only owner of 92 Second Street, while the Leary Press was still standing, who claimed the house was haunted, would be Martha McGinn. I did a search of the forum here, and found the following posts…

On May 14, 2005, Augusta wrote:

I don't think we ever have to worry about the ghost stories taking precedence over the murder mystery at the B & B.

I always said that if there is such a thing as a haunted house, it would be that one. If you have ever talked to Martha McGinn, she's got some good stories of strange activities in that house. There was no reason for her to make them up to me - and she sounded totally credible. Others on the subject have as well.

I like hearing about the hauntings on the tour. I think they are probably true and part of the house's story.


On Oct 20, 2005, Augusta wrote:

If I were Lee-ann, I would let some cassette recorders just record when nobody was in the house and see if you got anything on it. She could probably put her own video together by interviewing people who have had experiences in the house. Martha McGinn knew the house was haunted. She had lots of stories to tell.


I also ran across this article posted in the Lizzie Andrew Borden Virtual Museum and Library, that Kat Koorey complied:

As well as, this article posted by Stefani Koorey in her Mondo Lizzie Borden blog:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

MB, thank you for the photos of the fence being held up with a pitchfork. I must say, it is very innovative, not to mention funny! :grin:

I also want to thank you for posting the pics of Lizzie's maple trees being taken down. :sad: Please thank Stefani for taking these pics; the last one answers a question I have had since the Woods took ownership. I was wondering if Lizzie's back pouch has been restored, but I see it has not.

Guess the Woods’ failed to meet their deadline date of April 1st for opening Maplecroft up to the public as a B&B.

The Herald News:

The Herald News:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

Hello Judy. Well Lee-Ann said so in a tv programme we have here in the UK, one of the American ghosty programmes, & there aren't too many of them... so I should be able to remember which one! I was thinking of that. She said it in an interview. Something to the effect of, she has experiences when alone in the house. We get 'Ghost Adventures' over here but I don’t think it was that one... I just assumed if she said so in that interview she would have claimed likewise in other interviews?
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

twinsrwe wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 7:59 am I was wondering if Lizzie's back pouch has been restored […]
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Yes Twins:

Things have been pretty quiet at Maplecroft.

Last week they must have installed the sprinkler system. Lots of plumbing trucks in the yard along with a tumult of drilling and hammering. The invasion of piping must be something to witness. Certain we will see photos in the future.

Monday they dug up the front lawn and installed new water pipes to the building. The old pipes were probably not big enough to supply the volume of water needed to furnish the sprinkler system.

The porch is still the same. It's a big ticket item for sure. It has 3 different porch posts, thanks to the 'Rob-it Dubious'. To do the porch right you would need to mill new railings and porch posts to match the originals. Though some, if not most, of the balusters are in the garage, the porch will need new railings and a new roof, and porch deck flooring.

I received an estimate of 20,000 to rebuild my porch on the Davenport House next door a couple of years ago. I was able to do it myself for a fraction of the price.

Below are two photos of Maplecroft's porch as it sits today. Including that Maaaarvalous railing installed by Rob-it Dubious.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Davenport House porch, before and after: (click to make big)

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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

I am one who views the world with skepticism. It's my make up. Though most of the time I make adjustments and give people the benefit of the doubt, approaching them with objective neutrality. I could have fooled you, heh? Most of you have witnessed the opposite. When it comes to Maplecroft it seems I have very little nice to say.

So a little story with a gleam...

My desk sits by the window. When I'm on my computer activities outside usually snag my attention. The other day I sat at the keyboard and two young girls with cameras or phones caught my eye. They were out front of Maplecroft snapping pictures. I had the screen in the window and could not help but hear. Young Mr. Wood came walking up the walkway from the back of the property and spoke to them. I thought I heard him say, "Would you like to look inside?" As he turned and walked back into the yard one of the girls hopped up and down and clutched her fists by her cheeks in utter glee as she leaned over to her friend with anticipation. A minute later Mr. Wood appeared at the front door and the two young ladies disappeared up the front steps. At least this is what I thought I witnessed. It was such an uncommon gesture that I couldn't believe it. All I could remember was one former owner, Robit Dubious, reprimand admirers for stepping on the lawn. So, you must understand why I was taken back by what I just witnessed.

This kindness categorized and identified Mr. Wood for me. It was a generous and unselfish gesture, and one which dims my skepticism and polishes it with a glimmer. Kudos Mr. Wood. Now do the property due diligence :cheers: :thumleft:
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Father Jack »

This post is likely to get me kicked off this forum, and I don't give a rip if it does. The B&B and Maplecroft are BUSINESSES, and if I recall correctly BUSINESSES are in BUSINESS to make a profit. I know, scandalous eh? From what I can see, Maplecroft has been lovingly restored and well cared for. Who cares if they are going for the ghost or supernatural trade. For the stuffed shirts who have their knickers in a bunch because of this, try getting over it. They aren't the Sistine Chapel or Versailles after all. Such puffery does not become one. I suspect Lizzie would be less disdainful than some of you.
OK, I've said my piece and expect to be persona non grata here, and so be it.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

(a portion of this post has been deleted since it was apparently insensitive and offensive to many)

Apparently you have some shortcomings.

Having an opinion, even a passionate one, will not bar you from this forum. Even if you "don't give a rip."

But if you don't give a rip, why are you even here?

Is it just to be rude?

Insulting others is juvenile and unhealthy. You appear to have attitude difficulties or an emotional problem, and that's ok. ----------------------------- I may be a stuffed shirt but you my man have issues. Please get help then come back and will have a civil and constructive conversation. --------------------------------------------------------. They are real nice people there and never turn anyone away.

Good luck.
Last edited by mbhenty on Sun May 13, 2018 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

Father Jack wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 1:51 pm This post is likely to get me kicked off this forum, and I don't give a rip if it does. The B&B and Maplecroft are BUSINESSES, and if I recall correctly BUSINESSES are in BUSINESS to make a profit. I know, scandalous eh? From what I can see, Maplecroft has been lovingly restored and well cared for. Who cares if they are going for the ghost or supernatural trade. For the stuffed shirts who have their knickers in a bunch because of this, try getting over it. They aren't the Sistine Chapel or Versailles after all. Such puffery does not become one. I suspect Lizzie would be less disdainful than some of you.
OK, I've said my piece and expect to be persona non grata here, and so be it.
I actually agree with you. If it’s going to be 'ghosts' keeping the house in good preservation, then that’s the business reality. It’s hard to resist having a laugh at newly-made ghosts though...
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

Father Jack wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 1:51 pm This post is likely to get me kicked off this forum, and I don't give a rip if it does. The B&B and Maplecroft are BUSINESSES, and if I recall correctly BUSINESSES are in BUSINESS to make a profit. I know, scandalous eh? From what I can see, Maplecroft has been lovingly restored and well cared for. Who cares if they are going for the ghost or supernatural trade. For the stuffed shirts who have their knickers in a bunch because of this, try getting over it. They aren't the Sistine Chapel or Versailles after all. Such puffery does not become one. I suspect Lizzie would be less disdainful than some of you.
OK, I've said my piece and expect to be persona non grata here, and so be it.
Well, Father Jack, you are entitled to your opinion, just as the other members of this forum are entitled to theirs, but that does not give you the right to call us names and insult us.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

InterestedReader wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 8:12 am Hello Judy. Well Lee-Ann said so in a tv programme we have here in the UK, one of the American ghosty programmes, & there aren't too many of them... so I should be able to remember which one! I was thinking of that. She said it in an interview. Something to the effect of, she has experiences when alone in the house. We get 'Ghost Adventures' over here but I don’t think it was that one... I just assumed if she said so in that interview she would have claimed likewise in other interviews?
Thank you for telling me your source, Wendy. I went back and viewed the YouTube video, that I posted above, of when Lee-Ann appeared on the Montel Williams show to discuss her paranormal experiences with psychic Sylvia Browne. I see that she did say she was alone in the house quite a bit, and that Mr. and Mrs. Borden are both there, as well as several other sprits. She also stated that she has had several contacts Mrs. Borden, but she didn't state that she has paranormal experiences in order to make money. However, I believe you; there are a lot of things available in the UK, that we do not have in the USA.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

mbhenty wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 10:01 pm Yes Twins:

Things have been pretty quiet at Maplecroft.

Last week they must have installed the sprinkler system. Lots of plumbing trucks in the yard along with a tumult of drilling and hammering. The invasion of piping must be something to witness. Certain we will see photos in the future.

Monday they dug up the front lawn and installed new water pipes to the building. The old pipes were probably not big enough to supply the volume of water needed to furnish the sprinkler system.

The porch is still the same. It's a big ticket item for sure. It has 3 different porch posts, thanks to the 'Rob-it Dubious'. To do the porch right you would need to mill new railings and porch posts to match the originals. Though some, if not most, of the balusters are in the garage, the porch will need new railings and a new roof, and porch deck flooring.

I received an estimate of 20,000 to rebuild my porch on the Davenport House next door a couple of years ago. I was able to do it myself for a fraction of the price.

Below are two photos of Maplecroft's porch as it sits today. Including that Maaaarvalous railing installed by Rob-it Dubious.
Thank you for updating us on the changes that are being made at Maplecroft with the installation of new water pipes.

Thank you for posting pics of Maplecroft's back porch! I knew the non-existing porch posts, between the far and few existing porch posts, were an eye sore, but I didn't know to what extent it is going to take in order to restore the porch posts and railings.

I also wasn't aware of the fact that the roof and porch deck flooring needs to be repaired in order to bring the porch back to the way it looked when Lizzie owned Maplecroft.

I learn a great deal from you, MB, thank you for explaining what is involved in restoring a house. The pics of the Davenport House porch restoration that you posted, proves, to me, that you know what you are talking about.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by twinsrwe »

mbhenty wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 7:19 am .
I am one who views the world with skepticism. It's my make up. Though most of the time I make adjustments and give people the benefit of the doubt, approaching them with objective neutrality. I could have fooled you, heh? Most of you have witnessed the opposite. When it comes to Maplecroft it seems I have very little nice to say.

So a little story with a gleam...

My desk sits by the window. When I'm on my computer activities outside usually snag my attention. The other day I sat at the keyboard and two young girls with cameras or phones caught my eye. They were out front of Maplecroft snapping pictures. I had the screen in the window and could not help but hear. Young Mr. Wood came walking up the walkway from the back of the property and spoke to them. I thought I heard him say, "Would you like to look inside?" As he turned and walked back into the yard one of the girls hopped up and down and clutched her fists by her cheeks in utter glee as she leaned over to her friend with anticipation. A minute later Mr. Wood appeared at the front door and the two young ladies disappeared up the front steps. At least this is what I thought I witnessed. It was such an uncommon gesture that I couldn't believe it. All I could remember was one former owner, Robit Dubious, reprimand admirers for stepping on the lawn. So, you must understand why I was taken back by what I just witnessed.

This kindness categorized and identified Mr. Wood for me. It was a generous and unselfish gesture, and one which dims my skepticism and polishes it with a glimmer. Kudos Mr. Wood. Now do the property due diligence :cheers: :thumleft:
What a great story, MB! Mr. Woods' generosity and unselfish gesture is definitely gives me a different perspective of him. Thank you for sharing this story with us. At this point in time, we can only hope that the new owners will do the right thing by Lizzie's beloved home.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by KGDevil »

Father Jack wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 1:51 pm This post is likely to get me kicked off this forum, and I don't give a rip if it does. The B&B and Maplecroft are BUSINESSES, and if I recall correctly BUSINESSES are in BUSINESS to make a profit. I know, scandalous eh? From what I can see, Maplecroft has been lovingly restored and well cared for. Who cares if they are going for the ghost or supernatural trade. For the stuffed shirts who have their knickers in a bunch because of this, try getting over it. They aren't the Sistine Chapel or Versailles after all. Such puffery does not become one. I suspect Lizzie would be less disdainful than some of you.
OK, I've said my piece and expect to be persona non grata here, and so be it.
Father Jack, I am not offended at all. I have a thick enough skin that being called a "stuffed shirt" doesn't bother me. I am, after all, an adult. At least this post doesn't intimate that anyone has mental issues or tell anyone that they need to go to the ER to be seen by a doctor.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

My words were certainly not without sarcasm or mockery, but they do slither smoothly with the tone set by the poster. That was my intent. And if someone wants to be treated like an adult, act like one.

The fellow made his appearance with rudeness and confrontation. Such people have issues. It's not normal behavior. Though in today's world some see it as such. You must take into consideration how everyone feels if you want to make new friends. When you approach strangers with a challenge and attitude you have a problem. It's called forum rage. Perhaps the ER was a little over the top. But people who introduce themselves with such restless and rattled sentiments, by voicing their sentiments with aggression and with a truculent tone, have something going on. And whatever it is is not healthy. Again, perhaps the ER is a little over the top. But a 'Disorder Analyst' or therapist would not be ruled out.

Here's a revelation. Not all of us have thick skin. You are fortunate. But the fact that the poster's remark was bad mannered, disrespectful, and mean spirited is without dispute. The only way to handle a bully is by exposing him. And yes, perhaps I should have taken a more comfortable approach and just informed him to be nice. But don't forget, I have thin skin. And my interpretation of such behavior is bullying.

I have seen such people come and go on this forum for almost 12 years now. They make everyone uncomfortable and spark controversy in which nothing gainful is accomplished.

I too am an adult. Probably old enough to be your father. And when it comes to apologizing and admitting my error, whether with the facts or with dubious conduct or behavior, I have thicker skin than most. I have no problem saying I'm sorry when approached and asked to do so by someone who may be offended by my actions. But I don't take lightly to being insulted, nor will I dally by while such impropriety goes unanswered.

But that being said I will not comment on it any longer. It would be a waste of my time and yours. Life is much too short and I have to get up early tomorrow to see my analyst at 9. We're playing all 18 holes.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

I said I would not add anything further, but reading InterestedReader's post on another thread brought a slap across the face, and one well given. I apologize to anyone who may be offended about my mental illness reference in my post above. As I mentioned on the other thread, having dealt with the heart break of mental illness and one of my sibling for many years, it was rude of me to bring up the topic, and to say the least, bad judgement. To anyone who may have been offended about my comments on the subject you have my sincere apology.

This being said, I stand on my comments about those with issues, who enjoy confronting and insulting others, having cognitive complications. They have little understanding that such behavior displeases others, some more than most, but nonetheless it just does. And just like there's a world full of phlegmatic souls, there are also those more empathetic or sensitive. And just because one is sensitive does not mean they will take it lying down.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by InterestedReader »

Well, it's easy to choose the wrong word, or an intemperate phrase, & many people become nervous of rebuff when they are newcomers in a place. Personally I don't think Father Jack meant any harm - it just sounded a bit more combative than he intended, perhaps. Father Jack is also, evidently, super-knowledgeable on the case - which I welcome, myself.

For the record my entire family is mad as a box of frogs & I'm too thin-skinned or "sensitive" to be online at all. I was flamed alive on Twitter two days ago, & am still disturbed by it. My three-month attempt at Twitter is over. It’s far too nasty for this bunny.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by KGDevil »

I guess I do have a thicker skin than most. I tend to just use the scroll button and go past anything that most people find offensive. I don't find the need or have the time to take personal offense from something said by a stranger. I agree that life is too short. I don't think that Father Jack has any sort of problems going on and wouldn't intimate that he does. The fact that he apologized seems to indicate that to me anyway. He seems to be a well read knowledgeable fellow which is something that I welcome. I look forward to his posts and an exchange of information with someone who has spent a good deal of time researching the case.
Crime is common. Logic is rare. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell. - Arthur Conan Doyle
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Father Jack »

To MBHenty: My apologies if I offended you. It was not my intent. I assure you my mental health is in good order. I am not a confrontational person, but occasionally I shoot from the hip with poorly chosen words. As I am 71 years of age you are certainly not old enough to be my father, and perhaps the reverse is the case. I like to keeps things on a light note and I hope we can repair this damaged fence.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Father Jack »

To MBHenty: To the above I might add that I am quite aware of who you are, having been informed by one who is a mortal enemy to you and Stefani. As I previously stated, I have no dog in that fight nor do I choose sides in such feuds. I prefer to be on amicable terms with everyone, including yourself. I hope that may be achieved. We all have in common an abiding interest in the Borden case, and that should be the cement that binds us.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by mbhenty »

Thank you Father Jack. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Yes, I was really surprised about your age. I was almost certain you were in your twenties. As for me, lets just say that I was around when Truman was president.

I hold no animosity or bitterness towards you. All is dissolved.

Not certain how much you know about me, but I have had a history with Maplecroft, the city of fall river, and business in my neighborhood. One year I went to Florida for 5 months, came home, and found that the single family home across the street from me was now a business. In a residential neighborhood no less. The owner never even took out a building permit, converted the house into a beauty parlor, and never even applied for a variance. Making matters worst, the owner of Maplecorft opposed me. Spent over 10,000 taking them to court and lost.

So I am a little touchy, or let us say 'thin skinned', when it comes to Maplecroft and the home where I live, being the Davenport House next door.

As for the matter on hand:

Since the conflict which broke out here cannot be swept under the rug, we can certainly see it as a misunderstanding and pretend it never happened. Though please understand, it may be easier said then done. But I have no further problem with it. When I receive an apology it goes a very long way to soothe the sting.

As for enemies, I have few. Stefani's enemies are not mine, nor is mine necessarily her's. I stay out of Stefani's business. Believe it or not but I have few or almost no enemies, (at least not that I am aware of) with the exception of one of Maplecroft's past owners.

So carry on. Sorry we had to meet this way and repairs to the fence has only made it stronger. Amazing what we Adults can get done. Cheers! Mb'
Last edited by mbhenty on Mon May 14, 2018 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The cheapening of Maplecroft

Post by Stefani »

Father Jack wrote: Sun May 13, 2018 6:16 pm To MBHenty: To the above I might add that I am quite aware of who you are, having been informed by one who is a mortal enemy to you and Stefani. As I previously stated, I have no dog in that fight nor do I choose sides in such feuds. I prefer to be on amicable terms with everyone, including yourself. I hope that may be achieved. We all have in common an abiding interest in the Borden case, and that should be the cement that binds us.
Don't know what she told you, but it is not safe to believe her. FYI.

I also don't have any mortal enemies. I don't hate anyone. I am not that type of person. So the "mortal enemy" statement must be hers, which she gleefully relishes thinking of herself. :silly:
Read Mondo Lizzie!

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