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Help Wanted

Post by CagneyBT »

Fall River Daily Evening News March 18, 1874:

"W ANTED — A GIRL to do general Housework. Apply at NO 66 SECOND STREET" (A similar ad from Jan. 1873 was reproduced in an excellent article about Abbie that appeared in the Jan. 2002 issue of The Lizzie Borden Quarterly.)

Fall River Daily Evening News, April 7, 1874:

"WANTED— A Girl to do General Housework. Must be a good washer and ironer and understand plain cooking. MRS. ANDREW J. BORDEN 66 Second street"

This ad appeared in the Fall River Daily Evening News on Sept. 14, 16, & 17, 1889. Was this the ad that brought Bridget to the Bordens?

"WANTED— A capable GIRL for general housework. Call between 6 and 8 p m at 92 SECOND STREET"
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Re: Help Wanted

Post by KGDevil »

This is probably the ad that drew Bridget to apply for the job. Imagine that job interview.

Which one of these ads did Lizzie possibly see for the "sale of dress goods" at Sargent's ? Lasting the whole month of August!
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Re: Help Wanted

Post by camgarsky4 »

Observations & new questions:
Did Sargent’s only advertise in the Fall River Daily Evening News? doesn't have the Globe w/ any Sargent's ads.
Did Sargent's advertise in the Providence Journal, which we know is a paper the Borden's subscribed to. (see inquest testimony below)
The August 4th advertisement specifically notes the “8 cents (actually 7 ½ cents) in the ad. But the sale is for Friday/tomorrow.
What time does the first edition of the FRDEN available? The word 'evening' has obvious indications.
August 3rd advertisement only mentions indigo for 8 cents a yard in the ad.
Is indigo a common dress material? They all did seem to like blue dresses.

I've always presumed she read the advertisement in the Providence Journal, but I guess that is an open question. Neither the 3rd or 4th FRDEN ads are a perfect fit...either due to contents of the ad or timing of daily publication. August 3rd ad would work if Indigo material was the reference.

Providence Journal archives are not part of

Lizzie’s inquest testimony regarding a newspaper August 4th
Q. Will you give the best story you can, so far as your recollections serve you, of your time while he (AJB) was gone?
A. I sprinkled my handkerchiefs, and got my ironing boards and took them in the dining room. I took the ironing board in the dining room, left the handkerchiefs in the kitchen on the table and whether I ate any cookies or not I don’t remember. Then I sat down looking at the magazine, waiting for the flats to heat. Then I went into the sitting room to get the Providence Journal, and took that into the kitchen. I don’t recall of doing anything else.

Bridget's related testimony pasted below for reference.

Bridget Trial Testimony......"I began to wash the dining-room windows. Then Miss Lizzie brought an ironing board from the kitchen, put it on the dining-room table and commenced to iron. She said, "Maggie, are you going out this afternoon?" I said, "I don't know; I might and I might not; I don't feel very well" She says, "If you go out be sure and lock the door, for Mrs. Borden has gone out on a sick call, and I might go out, too." Says I, "Miss Lizzie, who is sick?" "I don't know; she had a note this morning; it must be in town."

I finished my two windows; she went on ironing. Then I went in the kitchen, washed out my cloths and hung them behind the stove. Miss Lizzie came out there and said, "There is a cheap sale of dress goods at Sergeant's this afternoon, at eight cents a yard." I don't know that she said "this afternoon", but "today"

And I said, "I am going to have one." Then I went upstairs to my room. I don't remember to have heard a sound of anyone about the house, except those I named

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Re: Help Wanted

Post by CagneyBT »

It’s quite possible that the Sargeant’s ad in the Fall River Daily Evening News was the one from which Lizzie referenced to Bridget. The family probably subscribed to many of the local newspapers, as well as to the Providence Journal.

Andrew placed numerous sale ads for his cows & pigs from his Swansea farm in the FRDEN throughout the 1880’s.

Fall River Daily Evening News, April 19, 1880
TO BE SOLD: COWS AND CALVES FOR SALE. ONE nice five year old Jersey Cow and Calf, Also one young Ayrshire Cow and Calf at my farm at Luther’s Corner, Swansea, or inquire at 92 Second street. A. J. BORDEN

Fall River Daily Evening News, Sept. 24, 1880
PIGS FOR SALE— At my place, first one south of Luther’s Corner, Swansea. A. J. BORDEN 92 Second street.

He also placed a “for sale” ad for his late father’s sleigh:

Fall River Daily Evening News, Dec. 21, 1883
SLEIGH FOR SALE— One Two-Seat Sleigh, one seat movable, nearly new. Owned by the late Abraham B Borden. Price $20. Inquire at 92 SECOND street. A. J. BORDEN

During her years at Maplecroft, Lizzie (or people in her household), placed a few interesting ads in the FRDEN & other local papers:

The Fall River Globe, March 21, 1902
FOUND — A pug dog. 306 French street  .

Fall River Daily Evening News, June 2, 1903
LOST— A Black and Steel BEAD BAG. Reward if returned to 306 FRENCH ST

Fall River Daily Evening News, Dec. 1, 1904
LOST— BOSTON TERRIER DOG. ONE YEAR OLD. White tipped feet, white breast, white in face, screw tail. Reward. Return to 306 FRENCH STREET

The Evening Herald, July 25, 1908
LOST. BLUE LEATHER Hand Bag. Reward if returned to 306 French St.

The Fall River Globe, Jan. 26, 1910
FOUND— Brindle Dog. 306 French street.

The Evening Herald, Oct. 4, 1919
LOST Friday noon, between Maple and French Streets - Leather Shopping Bag containing money, etc. - Reward. 306 French. 

I also came across this interesting snippet reporting that Lizzie registered her limo with the Massachusetts Highway Commission with a description of the vehicle.

The Fall River Globe, April 13, 1912
Llzbeth A. Borden, 306 French Street: Stevens-Duryea gasoline limousine, 43-horse power, blue.

Prices for the limo ranged from $3700-$5000. ... ogs-vol-29
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Re: Help Wanted

Post by camgarsky4 »

Cagney -- good info as always.

If the Borden's did have the FRDEN as the source for Lizzie, the August 3rd ad (pasted by KG above) doesn't reference the sale that Lizzie mentions to Bridget. The sale she describes sounds more like the august 4th ad which is for the august 5th (friday) sale of dress materials.

If the FRDEN is truly an evening (or afternoon) paper, then the August 4th ad wouldn't have been the source.

I really would like to see if Sargents advertised in the Providence Journal which appears to be a morning paper and in the Borden house that morning. I'll look again to see what it takes to gain access to the PJ archives.
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Re: Help Wanted

Post by CagneyBT »

hi Camgarsky!

There was a thread from 2008 addressing this very issue: viewtopic.php?t=3655
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Re: Help Wanted

Post by camgarsky4 »

I accessed the Providence Journal archives and didn't find any Sargent Dry Good store advertisements in 1892, and specifically none the week of August 4th.

Cagney, thanks for the link above. As Sherry notes, Rebello (pg. 183) was unable to locate an actual advertisement of the 8 cent sale that would have been published prior to the murders the week of August 4. A key assumption with that statement is Sherry being correct that the FREDN had 3 and 5 pm daily editions of their newspaper.

Another piece to consider. Detective McHenry's wife (another private investigator?), Nellie McHenry, reported to prosecution/police that Bridget specifically mentioned Gingham material being on sale for the 8 cents per yard. Also the August 3rd advertisement lists Indigo for sale for 8 cents per yard (2nd item up in 4th column). Apparently there is a clothes making material referred to as Indigo Gingham. That could possibly make the Aug 3rd ad the source of Lizzie's awareness.

So that leaves us with yet another murky situation and how to interpret it.

The options seem to be:
Bridget testified with best intentions
*Lizzie was referencing the Indigo material at 8 cents per yard in the August 3rd advertisement.
* Lizzie knew Sargent’s was having sales that week and fabricated the specific item to ensure grabbing Bridget’s interest. It just happened to
actually go on sale next day.
* Lizzie somehow heard of the Friday sale before 11am Thursday. How and when?
* Bridget heard of the sale post-murders and her mind incorporated into her memory as she overthought what happened that day
Bridget conscientiously testified inaccurately
* Prosecution/Police encouraged Bridget to supplement her recollection to give it more substance
* Bridget was trying to frame Lizzie (for what purpose other than to divert suspicion?)

This is another example of how nice it would be to have a copy of Bridget's Inquest Testimony just to ensure that her recollection stayed consistent from Inquest to PH to Trial.

Can anyone think of other alternatives or scenarios? It would be good to come up with a solid explanation for this seemingly disconnect between Bridget's very detailed testimony extract and our difficulty verifying its accuracy.

At this point, I'm leaning into the Indigo reference in the Aug 3rd ad. Second choice would be the 2nd bullet above.
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Re: Help Wanted

Post by Catbooks »

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see where either ads from Sargent's mention a sale on Friday?

The first one, from August 1, says the featured sale item is for "Tuesday, tomorrow." The one on August 3 featured a different item and says it's "For Thursday [the next day] Special." Well it actually says "Specihl."

The indigo fabric and all the other items listed below the featured items, are the same in both ads. Lizzie undoubtedly was referring to the "best indigo" fabric for $.08 cents a yard, or the printed fabric for 5 7/8ths cents a yard.

Indigo refers to the dye used, not specifically a kind of fabric, unless it was also a type of fabric known locally by that name. I haven't heard of indigo gingham before. Will have to track down Nellie McHenry's testimony about Bridget mentioning gingham because I don't recall that. It's been a while since I've dived back into this and there's so much to remember!

It's fun reading all these Lizzie-related ads.
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