The Evening Standard—Friday, August 5, 1892 Page 1

$5000 REWARD

For the Capture of the Assassin
of the Bordens

Offered by the Two Daughters of
the Murdered Couple.

Police Have their Eyes Upon
Inmates of the Mansion.

No Arrests There Until After the
Funeral To-morrow.

Unless Those on Whom Suspicion Rests
Attempt to Leave.

[Special Dispatch.]
Fall River, Aug. 5. — At almost any moment startling developments may be given to the public in the Borden murder case, and yet it is probable that no arrests will be made and the tragedy will be shrouded in mystery so far as the public is concerned until after the funeral, which will occur at 11 a.m. to-morrow. The officers in charge of the case are not disposed to create any scene at the residence where the bodies of the murdered couple lay. The city is filled with the wildest rumors of arrests, but they are without foundation. The police have the inmates of the Borden homestead under surveillance and should any one there attempt to depart it is probable an arrest would be made on suspicion. The police are particularly watchful of Mr. Morse, to whom the finger of suspicion has been pointed.

The only important announcement in connection with the case is the statement sent to all the newspaper offices by Emma and Lizzie Borden, the daughters of the murdered couple, offering a reward of $5000 for the capture of the assassin.

[By Associated Press.]
Fall River, Aug. 5. — After a most thorough and persistent search no trace has been found of the murderer of Mr. and Mrs. Borden. Four policemen are on guard at the house, and have been patrolling the neighborhood since the affray was made public. A few very near relatives are allowed to enter. Those who went in to-day were a Mr. Morse of New Bedford, a cousin of the suspected man, and another close friend who gave his name as Fish. These men can give no reason why Morse should be under suspicion, other than the fact that he happened to be in this neighborhood at this time. He would not be benefited by the death of either of the parties, unless a will was made, which at this writing cannot be told. Emma, the daughter who was visiting in the vicinity of New Bedford when the murder took place, is at home to-day, and has charge of the house. Her sister Lizzie is not in much better state than yesterday, when she discovered her father’s death.

This forenoon State Detective Seaver and City Marshal Hilliard had a conference and later on visited and interrogated Miss Lizzie at the house. The results of their investigation will not be known until an arrest of some kind has been made, and that is not likely to take place until after the funeral.

The funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 11 o’clock and will be strictly private. The services will be conducted by City Missionary Buck, who was a close friend of the family, and the interment will take place at Oak Grove cemetery.

At the present time both bodies are lying in a dining-room, the windows of which a servant was washing shortly before the tragedy became known. The strict watch that has been kept over Morse was even more strictly kept to-day than ever. It appears to be the desire of the police to make no arrest until after the funeral, unless it becomes known that the murderer actually entered the house and escaped within an hour, an idea scouted by the police at the present time. The following advertisement will appear in to-night’s local papers.

$5000 Reward:
The above reward will be paid to anyone
who may secure the arrest and conviction
of the person or persons who occasioned
the death of Andrew J. Borden and his wife.
Emma J. Borden
Lizzie A. Borden