The Evening Standard—Friday August 5, 1892 Page 6


Druggist Identifies Miss Borden
as the Person.

Most Important Clew Yet In the
Fall River Murder.

The Young Woman Submitted to
Rigorous Examination.

Antecedents of John V. Morse
Being Hunted Up.

What Can Be Learned About the
Murdered Man’s Wealth.

[Special Dispatch.]
Fall River, Aug. 5. — The Fall River Globe publishes a story this afternoon that at police headquarters Thursday night at 7 o’clock Capt. Desmond was posting himself on the murder by reading the papers and receiving reports. Marshal Hilliard was busy with his men, and inquiry for Assistant Marshal Fleet revealed the fact he had gone to supper.

In a few minutes Mr. Fleet returned and then a conversation took place between him and the marshal.

Officers Harrington and Dougherty were given instructions and passed out.

Within 30 minutes after that the most important clew yet discovered was in their possession.

The two officers made their discovery on Main street.

At D. R. Smith’s drug store in the city they got the first important evidence.

Then approached the clerk, Eli Bence, and from him was learned that Miss Borden had been in the store with the 36 hours past and had inquired for a certain poison.

The clerk was asked to accompany the officials and was closely questioned as to the exact facts relative to the time, the girl’s mental condition and the amount and quality of the poison she had bought or called for. The officers then led the drug clerk to a residence on Second street where Miss Lizzie was stopping for the time being. The young man had not previously been well acquainted with the young woman, but told them he could identify her at sight. He did identify her and in the presence of the police informed them she was in his place of business and made inquiry for a bottle of poison.

Miss Borden’s reply to the accusation as well as the exact language which was used at the time, is known only to the two officers.

The statement above made is correct and was verified in every particular by a Globe reporter last night within ten minutes after it happened.

[By Associated Press.]
Fall River, Aug. 5. — To-day the business men of the city have been discussing Mr. Andrew J. Borden’s wealth and business methods and the discussion serves to add to the general astonishment that a crime of such a nature as yesterday’s tragedy should be perpetrated within a stone’s throw of city hall.

The assessors’ books show that Mr. Borden was taxed for $173,650 worth of real estate most of which is situated on South Main street in the very centre of the city. His latest purchase was the Birch property for which he paid $23,000. He rarely ever owed anything. When he made a purchase he paid for it in cash or check, never caring to handle notes of any kind.
One of the largest financiers here said this morning that he doubted if a summary of his debts would show more than $1000 due. His personal estate is variously estimated as between $175,000 and $250,000. Most of it is invested in mill stocks, bank stocks and government bonds.

Late this forenoon it was reported at the police station that a young man, said to be a nephew of Mr. Borden, was being suspected of the murder. It arose from the fact that some time ago Mr. and Mrs. Borden were overheard in an angry talk with a young man over the division of some property . As the young man was parting from them at the front door he was heard to say, “By G__, you’ve cheated me, and I’ll make you suffer.”

The report was sifted and it was found that such a conversation had occurred, but it happened ten months ago and the young man has not been seen since.

The police left this clew readily and again turned their attention to the house. The antecedents of John V. Morse and his connections are being closely hunted up, and the girl Lizzie is again being subjected to a rigorous examination.