The Evening Standard—Saturday, August 6, 1892 Page 6


Mr. Morse Says He Courts the
Fullest Investigation.

Immense Crowds Watch the Passing
of the Funeral Cortege.

Two Axes and Two Hatchets to be
Submitted to Microscopic Examination.

[By Associated Press.]
Fall River, Aug. 6. — The latest developments in the murder relating particularly to the theory of poisoning has given way in the discussion among the people to-day to talk of the funerals, which took place this morning. As early as 9 o’clock the house was surrounded by a great crowd of curiosity seekers. Reporters, artists, photographers and policemen were the only persons who were active.

Shortly after 10:30 Mr. Morse came from the house and talked with a group of reporters. He said it was a terrible thing to be suspected and shadowed as he has been, but he courts the fullest investigation, and is anxious and willing to do all he can to trace the perpetrators of the great crimes. He said Miss Lizzie Borden’s health was in about the same condition as last Thursday. She did not mingle with the family to any great extent. When Mr. Fish of Hartford, and nephew of her stepmother, appeared, she gave him a very cool reception.

About 11o’clock preparations were commenced for the funerals. Crowds of people, numbering between 3000 and 4000, appeared on Second street in front of the house, and about 20 policemen stood around and maintained a clear passageway. Rev. Dr. Adams of the First Congregational Church and City Missionary Buck arrived and entered the house. The bodies were laid in two plain black cloth covered caskets in the sitting-room where Mr. Borden was killed. An ivy wreath was placed on Mr. Borden’s bier, and a bouquet of white roses and fern leaves, tied with a white ribbon, was placed over Mrs. Borden. There were 75 persons present at the services.

The services consisted of reading from the scriptures and prayer. There was no singing and no remarks.

The mourners who were present were Mrs. Oliver Gray, the step-mother of the deceased woman, G. H. Fish and wife of Hartford, Ct., the latter a sister of Mrs. Borden, Dr. Bowen and wife, Southard H. Miller and a very few of the neighbors who had been invited to attend the services in the house. The funeral was private, that is only very few of the immediate friends were asked to accompany the remains to the cemetery. But from 11 o’clock until 11:40 when the funeral procession of 11 hacks and two hearses started on their way, there were immense crowds of people lining every sidewalk.

There was a detachment of police at the cemetery and another posse accompanied the remains on their way through Borden and Rock streets to the northern end of the city where the cemetery is located.

The pall-bearers for Mr. Borden were Abraham G. Hart, cashier of the Union Savings Bank; George W. Dean, a retired real-estate dealer; Jerome C. Borden, a relative of deceased; Richard B. Borden, treasurer of the Troy mills; James M. Osborne; A. B. Borden, treasurer of the Merchants mill. The pall-bearers for Mrs. Borden were James C. Eddy, Henry S. Buffinton, F. L. Almy, J. Henry Wells, Simeon B Chase, J. H. Boone, all of them moving in the highest local social and business circles.

As the procession wended its way along North Main Street many old associates of Mr. Borden were seen to raise their hats, and forget all knowledge of the curiosity seekers who stood gaping beside them. Miss Lizzie and Miss Emma Borden were of course the principal mourners. Miss Lizzie went out of the house first leaning on Undertaker Winward’s arm. She was self-conscious, but her nerves were completely unstrung, as was shown by the great trembling of her body and the manner in which she bore down on her supporter. When she reached her carriage she fell back exhausted on the cushions. Miss Emma, the other sister, was much calmer and she walked quickly and took her seat without hardly glancing at the crowds staring at her.

Miss Lizzie Borden appeared as a very pretty woman and quiet fresh. Her face showed traces of the suffering she has borne for three days. Both ladies were without veils.

The last person to leave the house was Mr. Morse, who went into a carriage with Dr. Adams. During the services there was no scene of any unusual occurrence on such occasions and despite the very sad circumstances surrounding the death there were very few tears shed in public.

Two Axes and Two Hatchets.

City Marshal Hilliard has two axes and two hatchets in his custody that were found in the Borden cellar. A microscopic examination will be made of them next Monday. No traces of blood can be discovered on them with the naked eye.