Random Thoughts

This the place to have frank, but cordial, discussions of the Lizzie Borden case

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Random Thoughts

Post by rosiechap »

I have been reading different posts on here and some of the trial stuff and I need to get my thoughts and some questions out there ( way to many tabs in my head)
1) If both Lizzie and Emma died the same day has their father and step mother then who would get the money of their father?
2) I noticed John said he had been back to the house a few times before the day of the murder but said he has not seen Lizzie for 3-4 months
3) The morning of the murder he said he left out the back door and not the front door why?
4) So if Lizzie did kill them was was there no blood found on her beside the small drop.
5) Why did Eliza Borden kill the two youngest kids and not the oldest.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by camgarsky4 »

1) No idea. Would need to check w/ an estate attorney. I suppose AJB's sister or Abby's half-sister might have a good claim.
2) Yes, he visited the Borden's several times that summer, but testified that he did not visually see or talk to Lizzie at least the most recent couple of visits.
3) The family seemed to prefer using the side door. Andrew did the same that same morning. Bridget came home the night before via the side door.
4) No blood and no murder weapon are the reasons Lizzie was acquitted in my opinion. That said, not having blood on her clothing seems easily explainable. Solutions range from wearing an apron, using AJB's Prince Albert coat to cover herself, washing up after Abby (over an hour to do so), the pail of bloody water and towels in the cellar, used a rain jacket to cover, etc. The missing weapon is much more difficult to explain. The hatchet found on the Crowe barn roof is the only solid lead that I am aware of.
5) The Eliza Borden killings occurred in 1848 and not much information available. Search the forum for her name and you'll find what the posters over 20 years have come up with.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by AgathaBasset »

Just wanted to add that when we stayed in the house they were still using the side door, over the front door for some reason.
I have always thought the big piece of evidence in this case, besides the murder weapon and the bodies of course, is that damn coat of AJB! What happened to it? Did they look at it? It wasn’t on him when he died, so did it have more than just some blood seeped onto part of it from his head? Was it covered in splatter?
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by camgarsky4 »

Agatha -- I'm in the camp that AJB would not have folded up his 'going out' coat to supplement as a pillow. There was a lounge in the dining room, around the corner and it had to have had some type of pillow or cushion that AJB could have used if necessary. More telling to me is that the closet where the coat would be hung was just a couple feet away in the dining room, which was the room AJB went immediately to upon getting home that morning. Why did he go to the dining room, if not to shed and hang up the coat? After the dining room, he went up to his bedroom and then came down to sit and read in the sitting room, eventually making his way to the sofa.

Knowlton referenced the coat as a potential body cover in his closing statement at the trial, so law enforcement was cognizant of the possibility. Why in the world that piece of evidence would vanish is baffling, but I think it fits in with the overall lack of police discipline (compared to today's standards) in the days after the murders.

I suspect it made its way to someone's home, was cleaned and became part of their wardrobe.

We've had this debate ad nauseum on the forum, but for me, there is zero evidence of extensive blood splatter, and certainly nothing that would be noticeable when the coat was unfolded. Proving it was used as a shield was likely impossible to prove for the prosecution and police. The best it could be used was as a possibility for Knowlton to reference in his closing argument.
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