Axe and You Shall Receive?

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Axe and You Shall Receive?

Post by sguthmann »

Hi all,

Question regarding the axes and hatchets that were found in the Borden cellar and removed in the days following the murders...

I'm confused as to the number and nature of the items. I'm no expert on axes or hatchets, and forgive me if I don't know what sets them apart except size (and is that arbitrary?). Anyhow, were there two axes and two hatchets found at that time? Does that include the "handleless hatchet?" And which axe or hatchet was the hair supposedly found on?

Last, but not least, are the above items in the possession of the FRHS? If not, any ideas where they ended up?

Thanks in advance!
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Post by Kat »

There were 2 axes and 2 hatchets found, over and above the handleless hatchet. So there were 5 total. But recently I read in an old, contemporary news item there was another Borden axe or hatchet found later- not much later. It was not the Crowe's barn roof hatchet.
(So somehow lately I number them at 6! If I find the item mentioning this other one, I'll post about it).

If you read Prof. Dr. Wood's testimony you find (I think the Prelim?) that the claw-head hatchet was considered to be THe Weapon at the Preliminary Hearing. It actually had fibres on it! That hatchet was found on the chopping block just outside the southwest corner cellar room.
Try Prof. Dr. Wood for evidence found or not found on hatchets/axes.
He had them in his possession. Maybe his family knows? That's a good question!
Some made it to the courtroom, I believe.
See trial pages 466, 507, 511, 572, for some weapon info.
Of course, the handleless hatchet is in the FRHS.

You are correct in that it's complicated.
Anyone else have an answer?
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Post by Haulover »

frankly, i've lost count. the claw-head hatchet was first suspected. then the handleless hatchet (at the FRHS) was proposed by the prosecution. the one on the crowe barn was discovered late in the game, though it could have been the culprit. even later, a hatchet was discovered when the barn was torn down--it sounds like a hammar/hatchet unlikely by its size and form. the hair that was found on one does not sound like a human hair.
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The hair(s)?

Post by sguthmann »

Thanks Kat and Haulover.

FYI, I'm not bothered by the fact that the hair(s) found was/were not human (actually I may have an explanation for that), just trying to ID what item they were found on. I believe that it was ONE specific axe or hatchet, but have been getting confused as to which that was. I believe it was the long handled axe...the one more recently purchased, and which appeared to have been "in water" shortly before its discovery...?

if anyone can confirm or discount, I'd like to know.
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Post by Kat »

I started collecting comments of Dolan at prelim. on axe and hatchet for you but the mass of testimony was just too much to sift thru.
If you can read Ed Wood's testimony at the trial, you may get your answer. Please let us know when you do.
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Post by sguthmann »

Ok, so far in skimming the testimony of Prof Dr. Wood, it sounds like a hatchet (the claw-headed one) and 2 axes were given to a total of THREE items. Strange, I would've thought BOTH hatchets as well as the 2 axes would have been given to him. Whatever happened to the other hatchet that was collected, I wonder?...

I have more reading to do, but thought if someone had an answer on the tip of their tongue (er, fingertips?), I'd go ahead and post this puzzling information.
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Post by Kat »

Well, I gave you "off the top of my head" as far as it went in my first reply.
There are 2 and 2 and 1, but as to which had the cow hair, I'm not sure. Might be the Claw head hatchet which was found on the chopping block in the cellar.
If you do a word search, try "claw."
I don't know why the state abandoned the claw head hatchet as the weapon, and who has it now is a Great question!
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Post by 1bigsteve »

If I remember correctly it was the handleless hatchet head that had the cow's hair on it.

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Post by Kat »

That had the ashes on it.
There was one which actually had a few cotton fibres too!
That one always got my interest.
We should look this up.
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Post by Allen »

Trial testimony of Professor Edward S. Wood page 998:

Q. What was the next thing you had to do with this matter?
A. On August 10th, in Fall River.

Q. Did you receive anything then, or did you make some examination
A. Well, on the 10th of August, in the morning, I did go to the
Borden house, and made a very superficial examination, which was
of no practical importance.

Q. You afterwards went again?
A. No, sir, I never went after that. On the morning of the 10th of
August I received at the police station in Fall River from Dr. Dolan,
that trunk, containing a large number of substances.

Q.Won't you state what they were that you received?
A. I received from Dr. Dolan in that trunk the claw hammered hatchet,
--- that large hatchet which has been known as the claw hammer hatchet:
those two axes which have been already seen: the blue dress skirt---

Q.Those two hatchets, you mean?
A. No, sir, the claw hammer hatchet and the two axes.

Q.Oh, yes, I beg your pardon: and those two axes?
A. Those two axes, yes, sir: the blue dress skirt and the blue dress
waist, the white skirt which is there ( garments referred to being
exhibited by counsel as the witness named them) : the carpet, the sitting
room carpet, which is this ( holding it up): the bedroom carpet, which
is done up in the paper, and

Page 999

which had enclosed in it a piece of false braid, as it has now --- a
false switch: a lounge cover ( opening parcel and producing lounge cover),
which is this: a large envelope containing three small envelopes, one
labelled " " The hair of Mrs. A. J. Borden, 8/7/92, 12:10 P.M.", the other
labelled : " Hair from A.J. Borden, 8/7/92, 12:14 P.M. " and the third
labelled : " Hair taken from the hatchet." Those were all of the substances
which I received at the time from Dr. Dolan.

Q. Those you received directly from the Medical Examiner Dolan?
A. Yes, sir, in the police station, he handing me the key to the trunk.

Q.That was on Monday?
A. That was on the 10th of August, --- not Monday: it was Thursday, I
believe, but I am not quite sure.

Q. No, it was a Wednesday.
A. I am not sure o fthe day of the week.

Q.Yes, but you are sure of the day of the month?
A. Yes, sir. The claw hammer hatchet had several stains upon it which
appeared like blood stains, both upon the handle and upon the side
and upon the cutting edge. For instance, there is one large streak of a
dark brown stain, and there are two or three roundish or oval stains on
the hatchet, which maybe have been, so far as any external appearance is
concerned, so far as I could determine by simple inspection--- there is
a long one there, there is an oval one near by, which can be easily
seen, and then near that edge is an accumulation of dirt, which

Page 1000

is very diminished in size now, which I subjected to examinatino: and upon
the handle of the hatchet there were several dark discolorations, which
might or might not, so far as I could determine from appearance, contain
blood. I observed also that the hatchet did not set firmly or tightly
into the hole of the head of the hatchet: that there was quite large space,
which can be seen now --- as I have not disturbed the handle of this
hatchet at all, --- can be seen at this part of the head: quite a
cavity between the handle an the iron of the head, both in front and at the back
part. Now all of the stains on the head of the hatchet were carefully
tested.There is one stain here which has been gotten on since, I see:
it looks liek an ink stain.

Q. Tested by you?
A.Tested by me. That was not on. That has gotten on in Court here, some

Q. That is an ink stain, you think?
A. It looks like it; I don't know what it is; it was not on before. All
those stains I subjected to chemical tests and microscopic tests for
the presence of blood, with absolute negative results. I was unable
to detect any blood upon that hatchet.

Q. Either on the handle or the blade?
A. Either on the handle or the blade. The two axes I designated as
axe A and axe B in order to distinguish them from each other, and
marked these letters upon the end of the handle, so that I would know
on referring to my notes which was which. The axe A had a good many
stains, which might, so far as appearance was concerned, or might not,
have contained blood. The axe A has a large

page 1001 knot hole in the front of the handle, which on examination
with a glass contained some suspicious looking spots, and it is easy
to see a considerable amount of brownish colored material staining
the axe handle near the head. Now that might or might not, so far as I
could see or determine by inspection alone, have contained blood. But
the testing of the stains, both upon the head of the axe and upon
the handle, showed them to be absolutely free from blood. And it will
be noticed, too, that the handles of both these axes are exceedingly
rough and do not fit into the head iron closely or accurately.
Precisely the same marks apply to axe B. There was no blood upon either
axe and no blood on the claw hammer hatchet. The blue dress skirt---

Q. I would like to finish up a little with this hatchet. Did you make
an examination to be able to determine whether it was reasonably possible
that that hatchet could have been used in inflicting the wounds that
you have described, and then have been washed soon afterwards, so that
traces of blood might not be found upon it?
A. It could not have been washed quickly on account of those cavities
in between the head and the handle.

Q. Point them out if you please?
A I have already pointed them out sir,--- the one in front and behind.
Also the handle is quite rough and torn, ragged.

Page 1002

Q. I think it perhaps will be more convenient, unless it interrupts you,
to have that.
A. It makes no difference.

Q.Then we will dispose of the hair, if you please.
A. The envelope marked " Hair taken from the hatchet " contained when
I opened it two pieces of paper, this one, which was sealed and which
contained a short hair, --- it dose not now; it is empty now, but that
is the paper in which the hair was enclosed, contained a short hair
one inch long, and containing both root and the point of the hair,
and when they had been examined under the microscope, it was seen
to consist of almost entirely of the central medullary cavity, which
is unlike human hair, and it had a red brown pigment, and is more similar
to a cow's hair than any other animal whose hair I have ever examined.
It was sealed between those two glasses, and can be readily seen if
the glass is places upon a piece of paper. It is animal hair, there is
no question of that, and probably cow hair. The envelope also contained
a piece of paper which I examined with a lens every part of the inside
of the envelope without finding any hair. It is marked " Hair placed
here 1.57 P.M., 8/7/92," and it contains only a mucilage spot in the
centre; that is, I was unable to find any hair on it at all, and that
hair ( pointing to the cow hair) is the only hair which I have had as
coming from the hatchet. I would state that on the examination of that
stain upon the edge of the hatchet, the cutting edge, a part of which
remains there, but a large portion of which has been removed,

Page 1003

I found a good deal of wooden fibre and cotton fibre, that is, in this
rough stain right near the back part of the cutting edge, the bevelled
edge. It contained quite a number of fibres of cotton. Whether that
was upon the other hair or not, I don't know.

Q. You never saw but one hair?
A. I never saw but one hair, and that is the one sealed in the glass.

Q. Whether the hair was put in or not with that piece of paper, it
never came to you?
A. I never could find it.
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Post by Kat »

Whew Thanks!
Did you type all that?

So that is the claw hammer hatchet, right?
It had a hair, stains and the cotten fiber?

Since they differentiate between the axes and the "hatchet" it sounds like the one.
That was the suspicious weapon that starred at the preliminary hearing.
I recall it had the requisite 3 1/2" blade.
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Post by sguthmann »

so if i'm reading this correctly, Prof. Wood examined what he considered 1 hatchet and 2 axes. None of these was the "handleless hatchet." And the fibers and hair were all found upon the item he called the hatchet.

so in the end, authorities only submitted 3 axe/hatchets? i wonder what became of them, and the others that were not submitted?
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Post by sguthmann »

*lol* kat, it seems we're "posts passing in the night" again! ;-)

boy, i wish we knew what became of that hatchet.
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Post by Allen »

I delivered to Officer Seaver by order of Mr. Knowlton, this hatchet head, with the claw hammer hatchet and the other hatchet. And when he returned them to me, on December 3--- he returned all the hatchets to me on December 3---when he returned them to me these two chips from the side of the bit of handle, and a little bit of a---a very small chip from this side, I found had been removed while this piece of wood was out of my possession.
A. Before the handle was broken, not after.
These are a few bits of information that seemed to stand out to me. Professor Wood stated that it would've been easier to wash the blood from the hatchet before the handle was broken off, and he also stated that their had been two small chips missing from the bit of handle while the hatchet was in possession of either the police, or Mr. Knowlton. Had they been purposefully removed? For what purpose? What comes to mind is the chip of wood Lizzie says she stopped to pick up on the way back from the barn.
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Post by Kat »

"...this fractured end of the handle being close up to the iron, that is, it was in that relative position so far as the upper and lower end of the eye of the hatchet was concernced, this fractured end being just under- neath or flush with the lower edge of the hold in the hatchet, or the eye of the hatchet as I have heard it called here.--Prof.Wood,Trial
When I held this hatchet head, and was given time to examine it, I noticed that the wood piece we now see sticking out should have been inside the eye of the metal- at least an inch of it, as I recall. That means the wood was broken off much closer to the metal, at the time, than people envision.
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