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Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:27 am
by 1bigsteve
I always liked Karl Malden. He often tried to play a "tough" guy but you knew he was just a marshmallow who couldn't hurt a fly. :grin:

It's stange that people looked down their noses at Michael Jackson just before his death and now they can't stop worshiping him. Watch, he'll now be worth more dead than alive. Instant cash cow.

Too bad about Eunice Kennedy. She had a good heart. I think all the Kennedys had the interest of the American people at heart but they sure were a weird bunch of people, from my perspective anyway.

I'm not a big Opera fan so I never heard of Anne Collins. I'll have to look her up.

I wonder who will be going next?

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:45 am
by augusta
Yeah, Big Steve. Karl Malden was soooo good. In the 1970's he starred in some tv series where he played a blue collar steel worker with a family. I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. I think there was a pilot movie on tv first (?). Was it called "Scag"? Was that his last name in the show? He played the average man with a way that was unique. I thought he really touched hearts. That show was a good example of it. He made the show.

I'm thinking about Patrick Swayze (so sad and so young), and Kirk Douglas.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:09 am
by 1bigsteve
That was "Skag" Karl was in. It was a 1980 TV movie that turned into a short TV series in 1980. I vaugley remember it. I was a big fan of "The Streets of San Fransisco."

I'm surprised that Kirk Douglas is still with us. Swayze was looking real bad the last time I saw him on a tabloid cover. He looked wasted away just like Paul Newman shortly before he died.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:14 am
by mbhenty

THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON, a Short Story by F. Scott Fetzgerald was an idea I had back in the early 70s. Probably came to mind after someone placed something in my drink.

At the time I did not realize that the first appearance of the story actually came out in 1921, or that someone had already thought up the idea. (If I did write a short story of my idea at the time, I would be plagiarizing without even knowing it.)

But, I always fascinated over the fact of how much better it would be if we were born wise, plan out future, which would happen when we were young.

If we aged backwards by the time we were 19 we would have all the knowledge, command and mastery of life, to say nothing about appreciation.

Thus dying would not be painful, or would we, at a couple of weeks old, know it was even coming.

(wonder if Scott Fitzgerald came up with the idea while inebriated?)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:22 am
by Angel
Speaking of Fitzgerald- I've been to his gravesite. He's buried in a small Catholic cemetery next to a church in Rockville, Maryland. It's hard to believe that's he's there because everything has grown up so much around that church since he was buried there it's easy to overlook. It's an extremely busy area. Zelda is buried next to him.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:49 am
by 1bigsteve
I have been seeing books about Zelda for years and always wanted to read about her but never (yet) got around to it.

I know what you mean, MB. When I was a kid I had the idea about little stick people living in an oak tree and then one day I came across the book "Miss Hickory." A lady had stolen my idea before I was even born. How dare she!

I like the idea of being born old and stupid then growing younger and smarter. I'll have to look up that book.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:14 am
by xyjw
Les Paul! Darn I will miss him. I especially loved "Josephine" and the albums with Mary Ford.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:02 am
by twinsrwe
Senator Ted Kennedy died Tuesday at the age of 77.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:25 am
by 1bigsteve
twinsrwe @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:02 am wrote:Senator Ted Kennedy died Tuesday at the age of 77.

Thats too bad. I was just reading a book on his brother Robert's life. The only one left now is Jean.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:37 am
by Angel
Isn't Pat Lawford still alive?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:19 pm
by 1bigsteve
Angel @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:37 am wrote:Isn't Pat Lawford still alive?

No. Patricia died in September 2006. Only Jean remains now.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:25 pm
by Tina-Kate
Who was the most recent Kennedy funeral? Something to do with Maria Schriver...

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:42 pm
by 1bigsteve
Tina-Kate @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:25 am wrote:Who was the most recent Kennedy funeral? Something to do with Maria Schriver...

That was Eunice Kennedy Schriver, Maria's mother.

The Kennedy children, and year of death, from oldest to youngest are:

Joe Jr. (1944)
John (1963)
Rosemary (2005)
Kathleen (1948)
Eunice (2009)
Patricia (2006)
Robert (1968)
Edward (2009)

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:18 pm
by augusta
Dominick Dunne died today of bladder cancer. He was 83.

On one of the news channels covering Ted Kennedy's passing, it said on the bottom of the screen that he was "the last of the 9 siblings". I think Jean Kennedy Smith is still alive. I think they said that she was when Eunice died.

Yes, she is alive. I just saw a recent photo of her when she was in Hyannis, arriving for Eunice's funeral. Could only see her from the back, but she was walking on her own. I'm not sure how old she is. :?:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:22 pm
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:18 pm wrote:... I'm not sure how old she is. :?:
Jean Kennedy Smith is 81 years old; she was born on February 20th, 1928.

Source: ... +Smith.htm

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:28 pm
by twinsrwe
Thanks for the list of the Kennedy children, and the year they died, Steve. I appreciate it.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:16 pm
by 1bigsteve
You're welcome Judy. I have been reading books on the Kennedy family lately. For many years I have had my nose stuck so far into JFK's death that I forgot he had a family. Interesting but strange people. I hate to say this but Robert's kids, when they were young, were some of the ugliest kids I have ever seen. All teeth and dumb-looking. Jackie was not a Kennedy but she is my favorite member of the "dynasty." I like her best.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:44 am
by Tina-Kate
augusta @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:18 pm wrote:Dominick Dunne died today of bladder cancer. He was 83.

I'm very saddened by this...I was a huge fan! At least he will be reunited with his daughter, whose death haunted him for so many years.

Now I understand why his regular column in Vanity Fair has been exceedingly irregular over the past few years.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:34 am
by 1bigsteve
I agree Tina. Dominick had a way with reporting crime cases. I saw one just recently on the Biography channel.

His daughter's murder was so sick I would not have blamed him if he had killed her murderer. That sleezy perp got out of prison after a few years but she is still dead. At least they are both resting in peace now.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:01 pm
by stargazer
I always liked the Kennedy's. Jackie kind of got on my nerves, but I was a teenager, and she was all over the place with her big hair. I like JFK Jr, too, because he told off a pesty rude photographer who was calling girls a bad word. Ted stood up to the warmongers, and championed the little guy. I am glad that he's free from the Earthly bonds, and can take a rest.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:28 am
by mbhenty

On the sea you now take

May your compass be true

Where your heart will not ache.


May our course one day pass

Where our vessels may cross

And our passions we'll cast.


Now your sails are all down

And your anchor is out

To the peace you have found.


From a sailor in pain

The loss of a sea lion

In our hearts you remain.



Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:39 pm
by Harry
Partial quote:
augusta @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:18 pm wrote:Dominick Dunne died today of bladder cancer. He was 83.
They're showing a marathon of his TV shows on the TRU channel. Just watched the Menendez case. That was to be followed by the Von Bulow case.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:39 pm
by FairhavenGuy
Regarding Ted Kennedy, I read this week that he was a U.S. Senator longer than JFK was alive.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:54 pm
by twinsrwe
1bigsteve @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:16 pm wrote:... I have been reading books on the Kennedy family lately. For many years I have had my nose stuck so far into JFK's death that I forgot he had a family. Interesting but strange people. ...

-1bigsteve (o:
I know what you mean, Steve. I find it intrigueing to study JFK's death. I have a nephew, who is into conspiracy theories; anything regarding JFK's death, is right up his alley!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:03 am
by twinsrwe
1bigsteve @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:16 pm wrote:... Jackie was not a Kennedy but she is my favorite member of the "dynasty." I like her best.

-1bigsteve (o:
Jackie Kennedy brought beauty, intelligence, and cultivated taste to the role of First Lady. Of all the First Ladies, within my lifetime, Jackie, in my opinion, was the most elegant, in our nationʼs history. She brought a freshness to the role of First Lady, which has not been matched since. I remember that she became a symbol of fashion for women all over the world with her sleeveless, A-line dresses and famous pillbox hats: these things became known as the "Jackie" look. In addition to this, I will never forget the gallant courage she displayed during the tragedy of JFK's assassination, which captured our hearts and won her the admiration of the world. What a courageous lady she was.

However, there is one blood-related Kennedy who has always held my interest and whose life I found to be truly sad. Rosemary Kennedy, was a carefully guarded Kennedy secret. Publicly, she was declared to be mentally handicapped; this was supposedly more socially acceptable in a political family than a failed lobotomy. Perhaps my fascination regarding Rosemary's life comes from the fact that in 1949, she was moved to the St. Coletta School for Exceptional Children, in Jefferson, WI. She died from natural causes, at the age of 86, on January 7, 2005, at the Fort Memorial Hospital in Fort Atkinson, WI. Both Jefferson and Fort Atkinson are not very far from where I live. In addition to this, my son is mentally handicapped.

For some interesting reading regarding Rosemary's life, check out this sites: ... 05127.html

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:10 am
by twinsrwe
It's official...

The Los Angeles County coroner has ruled that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide involving a combination of drugs.

"The drugs propofol and lorazepam were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson's death," said a news release issued Friday by the coroner. "Other drugs detected were: midazolam, diazepam, lidocaine and ephedrine."
The release said Jackson died from "acute propofol intoxication," but said "other conditions contributing to death: benzodiazepine effect."

Lorazepam, midazolam and diazepam are benzodiazepines. ... index.html

Coroner's statement on Michael Jackson's death: ... ews=428708

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:43 am
by 1bigsteve
The day after he died I started getting spam with the headline, "Who Killed Michael Jackson?" I figured they were nut cases. They may have been but looks like they had the right idea.

It seems we live in a "pill-pusher society." The medical establishment wants everyone on drugs, the ones they can make money on that is. Toothache? Take a pill. Headache? Take a pill. Heart attack? Take a pill. Brain fell out? Take a pill. Side effects from all these toxic pills? Take a pill. Strange that the medical establishment is horrified when people get on pot or LSD but see no harm in over-loading patients full of toxic pills. What's the difference? One of my elderly friends threw her pills into the toilet. When her doctor asked her why, she said, "Because I want to feel good!" They were killing her.

The medical establishment try's it's best to bad-mouth home remedies as "unsafe" but try's it's best to load us all up with toxic pills that are known to kill people. Naomi Judd said it best twenty years ago, "They are out to make money. That is why it's called the Medical Industry."

At least Michael Jackson is in a better place now. Free from his worries and the vultures that prey on him. Rest in peace, Michael.

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:17 am
by augusta
Thank you for the age of Jean Kennedy, twinsrwe.

Big Steve - I was surprised in your one post of your mention of the book "Miss Hickory". When I was in grammar school, I got that book out of the school library. I never finished it. A couple months ago, I found a copy on vacation (used) and purchased it. I have never forgot "her" and look forward to reading it. The idea behind the book just amazed me.

Rats, I missed the Dominick Dunne marathon. Yes, that is so sick about his daughter's murderer.

Susan Atkins, of the Tate-LaBianca murders, was up for parole yesterday. She's been married to an attorney for 21 years. (I can't imagine what kind of guy would marry Susan Atkins.) She has brain cancer now and slept thru most of the hearing. Her husband argued that if released on "compassion", it would save the taxpayers thousands of dollars because of her expensive health care. Well, who says the taxpayers wouldn't be paying it if she were released? She can't have private insurance, and I don't think she could get anyone to insure her. But how ironic - release her for reasons of "compassion", but she showed none while Sharon Tate begged for mercy for herself and her unborn baby. Maybe I'm being too harsh, not wishing her forgiveness. It was so horrible, not to mention the musician she and (was it Tex Watson?) killed before the Tate murders? Anyway, she had a leg amputated a while back and they say she doesn't have long.

One of my interests is JFK and the Kennedy family. I pretty much stopped reading on his assassination and read now of his life and the entire family. A few books I've found really good are "The Kennedy Case", by Rita Dallas, I think - the nurse who took care of Old Joe after his stroke; "Torn Lace Curtain", by Rose Kennedy's chauffeur; and one written by Barbara (something), a secretary that worked for Rose. There are so many good ones. I tend to favor the ones by people who actually knew them, but not always.

I thought that was a lovely poem, mb. I always felt sorry for Ted Kennedy, being the patriarch of the family and having went thru so many tragedies. When I read of him drinking and being irresponsible at times, I thought if it helps him to forget or cope, then maybe it's how he got by. His eulogy at Bobby's funeral is so sad. I don't know how he got thru just that.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:18 pm
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:17 am wrote:Thank you for the age of Jean Kennedy, twinsrwe. ...
You're welcome, Augusta.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:39 pm
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:17 am wrote:... Susan Atkins, of the Tate-LaBianca murders, was up for parole yesterday. She's been married to an attorney for 21 years. (I can't imagine what kind of guy would marry Susan Atkins.) She has brain cancer now and slept thru most of the hearing. Her husband argued that if released on "compassion", it would save the taxpayers thousands of dollars because of her expensive health care. Well, who says the taxpayers wouldn't be paying it if she were released? She can't have private insurance, and I don't think she could get anyone to insure her. But how ironic - release her for reasons of "compassion", but she showed none while Sharon Tate begged for mercy for herself and her unborn baby. Maybe I'm being too harsh, not wishing her forgiveness. It was so horrible, not to mention the musician she and (was it Tex Watson?) killed before the Tate murders? Anyway, she had a leg amputated a while back and they say she doesn't have long. ...
Susan has better health care in prison than most Americans have out of prison. I believe she is being treated very well; she is most likely receiving high quality medical care with hospital staff tending to her needs, which includes making her as comfortable as possible during her last days. Not only that, she will be able to reach a peaceful death with her family and friends by her side. To me, that is having a compassionate end to her life. In my opinion, she is receiving a lot more compassion in prison than many dying people receive outside of prison.

Releasing her to die in a different location is not going to benefit her, nor is it going to be any more of a compassionate environment for her. So, really, what does her attorney, husband, James Whitehouse, have to complain about? Her release would save the taxpayers thousands of dollars because of her expensive health care? Probably not. Does he have health insurance that covers her? Probably not. Is he telling us that he is going to personally foot the bill? Probably not. Her release would most likely benefit no one but James Whitehouse, himself.

What does life in prison mean, if it doesn't mean you will die there?

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:55 pm
by stargazer
I was astounded to find that Tex Watson was allowed to marry, and father children in prison. Sickening. Passing on his genetic material like that while taxpayers paid for it.Yes. Leave Susan behind bars.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:20 am
by augusta
WHA??????? Stargazer, your post left me reeling. Tex Watson fathered children in prison? I know it happens, but I had not heard he had done that. I hope he wasn't allowed conjugal visits?

I've read of prisoners bribing the guard to look the other way and couples
"coupling" like up against a wall in front of others.

Who the heck would want to have Tex Watson's children?? :shock:

I think you are probably right, twinsrwe. There was a picture of her online and she was laying on a hospital bed I guess the brought her in with to attend the hearing, tho she slept thru most of it. She looked very comfortable and had a knitted ski cap on her head. She was unrecognizeable, tho. She was all bloated looking. But she was obviously being taken care of. That was interesting to ponder - thanks. I hadn't thought of how her care was by the state.

It would have been interesting if her husband had mentioned how her health care would be provided if she were paroled. Not that I would have voted 'yes' on her parole, but just out of curiosity.

The same article said that Charles Manson is 74 years old. Them's a lot of years.

Hey, I found some National Enquirers under junk in my bedroom and they had those nasty pictures of Patrick Swayze on the covers: "His Last Days". They were dated like February or early spring. He is still living, isn't he? I wish it were illegal for them to put photos of people like that and announcing they're dying. What an invasion of privacy. I wonder if he had a remission?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:17 pm
by twinsrwe
Stargazer is correct. I've done some research and as far as I know, the following information is accurate, however I could be wrong. If anyone knows there is an error in the following, please post the correction.

Tex Watson and Kristin Svege were married in 1979 on the prison lawn by John S. Milton, pastor of the First Assembly of God Church in Arroyo Grande. They would have four children, through the conjugal visit program started under the administration of Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1971. Their first son was born in 1982, their second son was born in 1983, their daughter was born in 1989, and their third son was born in 1995. Promoting family values was the reason the program was established. Doris Tate was one of the leaders who spurred legislators to end the program, which they did in 1995. This law excluded conjugal visits from prisoners convicted of sex crimes, crimes carrying life sentences or violent crimes against family members or minors. Watson and his wife divorced in 2003.

Sources: ... ars-later/ ... gal-visits

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:25 pm
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:20 am wrote:... I think you are probably right, twinsrwe. There was a picture of her online and she was laying on a hospital bed I guess the brought her in with to attend the hearing, tho she slept thru most of it. She looked very comfortable and had a knitted ski cap on her head. She was unrecognizeable, tho. She was all bloated looking. But she was obviously being taken care of. That was interesting to ponder - thanks. I hadn't thought of how her care was by the state. ...
You're welcome; I'm glad you enjoyed my post. I truly believe it is in Susan's best interest to keep her where she is.

I think her husband brought her before the parole board on a gurney as a way of manipulating the members into feeling sorry for her; so sorry that they would grant her a release. However, I could be wrong.

Here are some pictures:

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:29 pm
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:20 am wrote:... It would have been interesting if her husband had mentioned how her health care would be provided if she were paroled. Not that I would have voted 'yes' on her parole, but just out of curiosity. ...
You're right, he didn't say, did he? I think the majority of people are not concerned about the cost of keeping her where she is. I think the majority feel it would be an injustice to the victims as well as their families to release her now.

The California Board of Parole members obviously felt it was necessary to deny Susan a release. It would be interesting to know why her release was denied.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:31 pm
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:20 am wrote:... The same article said that Charles Manson is 74 years old. Them's a lot of years. ...
It sure is!

Here is Manson's most recent picture.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:15 pm
by mbhenty

Yes, thanks Augusta: As you can see it was after 3 in the morning when I wrote that poem. Last minute thing.

I never really liked Ted. I guess it was because of the Chapaquitic Ordeal. Also, he appeared to mature late in life as a senator.

Though Chapaquitic soiled his career, it was always rumored that his brothers Jack and Robert were much worse.

None-the-less, it was sad to see him go.

Growing up my mom kept two photos on the wall. One was of Pope John XXIII and the other of Jack Kennedy. They went on the wall in 1964. Pope John was taken down years ago but Kennedy was taken down just last year. He hung there for almost 44 years.

I wrote about sailing, since Ted and I both love the sport. Below is Kennedy's boat Mya.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:26 am
by augusta
Thanks for the photos on Susan Atkins, twinsre! I had only seen the first one you posted. I had never seen her husband before. Interesting. They were all supposed to get the death penalty, then the state outlawed it for a bit and their sentences were automatically commuted to 'life'. But wasn't the death penalty in CA approved again, and there are people on their death row today? It's somehow unfair that these murderers still get to hang on to their 'life' sentences. That may be a big disappointment for many. But if they let her or the others out on parole - the public response would probably be like letting Sirhan Sirhan out. He keeps going before the board, too, and it just ain't gonna happen.

Conjugal visits! :shock: I had no idea Tex Watson was having them. What a lousy decision that was. So now we have little Watsons running around.

Thanks for the info on Watson, Stargazer, in your prior post. I have followed the Manson case for many years. I really appreciate your post.

Mb - Well, that was a good poem even if you wrote it at 3 am! See how gifted you are?

I don't think you're in a minority in your Kennedy dislikes. My father-in-law was teaching medicine at Harvard when Ted Kennedy cheated on his Spanish test. (He had another kid take the test for him.) I didn't realize till recently with all the Ted K coverage that he was expelled for it. Anyway, my father-in-law really disliked the Kennedys.

There has been a lot that's come out, probably a lot of it true, on stuff they've done. I guess they were fakes. There are tapes or transcripts I've heard or read of JFK not wanting to put the Civil Rights bill into action, and him using the "N" word. That was really terrible, I thought. He has been so glorified about that bill, and I was shocked to hear him talk like that. And Old Joe bootlegging, Gloria Swanson & him, messing up his ambassadorship to the Court of St. James and FDR not liking him too much, and his outrageous cheating when he was with the stock exchange to make part of his fortune. There's a lot of negativity in the family.

With all those undercurrents, usually I'd dislike them and just not read on them anymore. But what they publicly were and what they stood for, I lived thru those years. And I remember. I remember the days of the funeral and my mother crying, attached to the television. The echo of the horses clip-clopping, the one riderless horse with the spurs turned backward, the salute of JFK jr., Oswald's death suddenly thrown in the midst, then just a few years later Martin Luther King's assassination, then Bobby Kennedy. Then Ted being Patriarch of the family all these years, despite his own inner sorrows.

The negative stuff seems to go on the intellectual side of me. But the Camelot years and stuff is on the emotional side of me. I wonder how many others feel like this?

Twinsrwe, thank you so much for posting a current picture of Charles Manson. OMG! I would not have known who he was. I've only seen him with the long hair and beard in old interviews they still rerun on tv. :shock:

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:35 am
by augusta
Army Archerd died yesterday. He was 87. He died of mesothelioma - lung cancer from asbestos, from his days in the Navy working in the shipyards.

He was a columnist in Hollywood. He did a lot of gameshows in the 1970's, I think. Didn't he have a blonde wife named Jean, and they were trying to have a baby real bad? The write-up I read on him said his first wife was "Joan". Maybe I'm thinking of another man.

- Just found online that I was thinking of Jean and Casey Kasem re the wanting-a-baby couple.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:32 am
by augusta
Patrick Swayze passed away - peacefully and with his family around him. I just got a National Enquirer in the mail that had him on the cover again yesterday, and I was reading the article to see where he was in his cancer battle. So young, so talented ... so sad. :sad:

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:15 am
by twinsrwe
augusta @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:26 am wrote:Thanks for the photos on Susan Atkins, twinsre! I had only seen the first one you posted. I had never seen her husband before. Interesting. ...
You're welcome.

This is what I find interesting: James Whitehouse is 46 years old, Susan Atkins is 61; that makes him 15 years younger than his wife, which means he was only 6 years old when the Tate-LaBianca murders occurred. At that age, he was too young to comprehend the terror his wife and the other Manson Family members had caused not only to the victims, but their families as well; these murders terrified the citizens of Los Angeles, and caused horror on a national level. Mr. Whitehouse doesn't seem to have a clue of how the public feels about his wife seeking a release. Furthermore he doesn't understand that Susan is in the best possible place she could be in for her condition.

Source for their ages: ... ins/514547

augusta @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:26 am wrote:... They were all supposed to get the death penalty, then the state outlawed it for a bit and their sentences were automatically commuted to 'life'. But wasn't the death penalty in CA approved again, and there are people on their death row today?...

In 1969, newly elected President Nixon appointed Warren Burger, another Republican, chief justice. The Supreme Court's liberal bent culminated when the high court struck down capital punishment in 1972, on the ground it was cruel and unusual punishment as then applied.

In 1976, after 35 states and the federal government had reinstated capital punishment, the Supreme Court ruled that – in view of new statutes designed to reduce the arbitrary imposition of the death penalty – it was no longer cruel and unusual. Since 1976, more than 750 prisoners have been executed in the United States, and about 4,000 convicts are on death rows waiting to be executed.

Since the death penalty was reestablished in California in 1977 only eleven executions have taken place, while 30 death row inmates have died from natural causes. For the handful of executions that have taken place, the average delay from the courthouse steps to the chamber at San Quentin is 16 years.

Under both California and Federal Law there is a specific, detailed and lengthy appeals process that must be followed before an inmate may be scheduled for execution. ... eSupport=1

augusta @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:26 am wrote:... It's somehow unfair that these murderers still get to hang on to their 'life' sentences. That may be a big disappointment for many. But if they let her or the others out on parole - the public response would probably be like letting Sirhan Sirhan out. He keeps going before the board, too, and it just ain't gonna happen. ...
I found this statement on the internet; I'm thinking this is probably why Susan Atkins was denied a release on Sept. 2, 2009.

It is sad, but undoubtedly true, that parole boards are political bodies that base decisions as much upon anticipated public reaction to their decisions as on a careful review of a parole applicant's prison record and statements. ... count.html

augusta @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:26 am wrote:... Conjugal visits! :shock: I had no idea Tex Watson was having them. What a lousy decision that was. So now we have little Watsons running around. ...

Yeahhh, isn't that a kicker!!!

augusta @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:26 am wrote:... Twinsrwe, thank you so much for posting a current picture of Charles Manson. OMG! I would not have known who he was. I've only seen him with the long hair and beard in old interviews they still rerun on tv. :shock:
You're welcome.

Here is a before and after picture of Manson:

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:20 am
by twinsrwe
Patrick Swayze was so young; it's sad! May he rest in peace.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:45 pm
by kssunflower
Sadly missed - I loved him in North and South. :cry:

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:47 pm
by doug65oh
I just read a minute ago that Henry Gibson passed away on the 14th at the age of 73.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:30 am
by Bobbypoz
...also Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, & Mary...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:54 am
by Nadzieja
Boy, now I'm feeling my age. I just heard about Mary Travers.
That was one of our favorite groups.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:05 pm
by 1bigsteve
They seem to be dropping like flies these days. I never realized that Mary Travers was even sick. Only 72!

That mark on Manson's forhead would make a good bullseye. Where's my gun... To think that that nut case is still breathing while better people are passing on makes me sick. :mad:

-1bigsteve (o:

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:15 pm
by stargazer
When my family shows up at funerals, I know that we are all thinking : "I wonder who is going to go next ?" I keep putting off funeral arrangements, and writing a will. I know that I want a simple and cheap send off. I get the feeling that we can't attend our own funerals, but imagine listening in to see what they say. "I can't believe she left me that old 1900's dress !"

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:40 pm
by augusta
So sorry to hear of Mary Travers's passing. My siblings were a bit older than me, and I grew up listening to a lot of 'Peter, Paul & Mary'. Loved 'em.

That's too bad about Henry Gibson, too. He was so cute on 'Laugh-In' with his little poetry segments and his quaking voice.

I think we tend to ignore the subject of death. One day when I worked in an office, my co-worker said, "If I go, I wanna go in my sleep." I said, "What do you mean - "IF"?" People selling life insurance on tv won't come out and say it hardly. Usually it's "should something happen to your loved one". It's like our mindsets are tuned to the thought that only some people die. We talk about angels and eternal life in my church, but we don't really talk about dying.

Personally I try to be as good a person as I can every day and never miss an opportunity to tell someone I love them if I do.

I hope we are reunited with our loved ones in the afterlife. I hope we can read, too.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:09 am
by doug65oh
Well, all the back & forth debate about Susan Atkins has become moot. She's dead, at 0246 Eastern Time this morning. Details at ... index.html