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What's New In The 1890's?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:11 pm
by Kat
Submitted by member "Augusta".
From "HIGHBEAM", a search/research site:

Stack of Decades

Decade: 1890's

What's in
New inventions at the Chicago World's Columbia Expo: light bulbs, electric coil, alternating current dynamo, electric motor and the Ferris Wheel.
The first horseless carriages: Duryea, Haynes- Apperson, Packard, Stanley Steamer and Henry Ford's first car
Peanut butter
Bicycling craze
Gibson Girls
Gugliemo Marconi's radio and wireless telegraphy
Art Nouveau style in furnishings
Hand-held puzzle called 'Pigs in Clover'
Postcard collecting
3-D stereopticons with travel photos and "girlie" pictures
Coney Island, New York - notorious amusement resort
Modern Olympics in Athens
The Fig Newton
Detergents and shampoo in Germany
Pedigree dog shows in England
Aspirin and Ben-Gay ointment
Gold in the Klondike
Swimming the crawl in Australia
Electric ovens and aluminum saucepans
Melba toast, shredded wheeat, Cracker Jacks, Hershey bars, and Pizza in America
Animal cookies in Britain (later crackers in America)
Flash-light photography
Count von Zeppelin's airship
The Paris Metro
Nobel Prizes
The Lumiere Brothers' cinematograph
Emile Renaud's Theatre Optique in Paris
Modern Olympic games
Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis
DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution)
Mergenthaler's linotype machine
Trans-Siberian Railway
Auriga-the new star in the milky way
Rudolf Diesel's gasoline engine
Karl Benz's 4 wheel car
Telephone switchboards
Canned pineapples
Ellis Island
Cleopatra's tomb discovered
Travelers Insurance issues auto insurance
National Congress of Mothers, later the PTA
Heinz Co's celery sauce and ketchup.
First submarine
Championship weightlifting
Boston marathon
First cat show at Madison Sq
Car and motorcycle racing
America's first commercial museum at Philadelphia
Shredded wheat
First execution by electric chair
Chop Suey first cooked
First professional football games
Women get vote in New Zealand
World's first bus with a motor runs in London
S&H trading stamps

Other inventions:
The zipper, Book matches, refrigeration machine, telegraph enabling 2 operators to work simultaneously, movie projector, toothpaste tube, gas-driven tractor, glass- blowing machine, the thermos bottle, and the pneumatic hammer

Whos's in:
President Benjamin Harrison
President Grover Cleveland
President William McKinley
Czar Nicholas II
British PM's: W.E. Gladstone, Archibald Philip Primrose, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
Sherlock Holmes
Pianist Paderewski
Sigmund Freud
Louis Pasteur
The Lumiere Brothers

The Times/Events:
The Gay '90's
Influenza epidemic spreads through 40% of world
Spanish American War
Cuba fights for independence from Spain
Great Alaska gold rush
Serious famine in Russia
Anglo-Boer War
Ethiopian War; Italians defeated
Republic of Hawaii established
Armenians massacred by Russians at Constantinople
Natives revolt in Mozambique
Turkey vs. Greece

Uganda occupied by British East Africa Company, Rhodesia organized, French colonies Ivory Coast and French Guinea
Japan vs. China over Korean problem

Populations in millions 1901:
China 350
India 294
Russia 146
U.S. 75.9
Germany 56.3
Japan 45.4
Britain & Ireland 41.4
France 38.9
Italy 32.4
Austria 26.1

Broad-shouldered padded Gibson-man look
Button-down collars
Clasplockers (early form of zippers)
Clean-shaven look is 'in'
Knee breeches for athletes
Waxed "Kaiser" mustaches

Butterick dress patterns
Knickerbockers for bicycling
Sailor styles
Satin and lace embroidery
"Gibson Girl" look - slim, small-waisted, pompadour hair-do
Shorter skirts for biking (an inch or two from the ankle)
Shirt-waist blouses for golf
Brocaded satin dresses
"Classical" soft fabric, draped look

Art Nouveau is 'in'
Monet's 'Rouen Cathedral' and 'Water Lilies' series
Cezanne's 'Bathers,' 'The Cardplayers,' 'Still Life With Apples'
Rodin's sculptures 'Balzac' and 'Victor Hugo'
Matisse 'Dinner Table'
Degas' 'Femme a sa toilette'
Paul Gauguin's 'The Siesta' and he moves to Tahiti; 'Where do we come from?What are we?Where are we Going?' 'The Seed of the Areoi'
Camille Pissarro 'Boulevard des Italiens,' 'Boulevard Montmartre, Mardi Gras,' 'Field at Eragny,'
Edouard Vuillard 'Seated Woman,' 'Portrait of Lugne Poe'
Tate Gallery opens in London
Aubrey Beardsley's drawings to Oscar Wilde's "Salome"
Art Nouveau Gallery opens in Paris with paintings of Edvard Munch
Whitechapel Art Gallery built
Van Gogh's' Wheatfield With Crows,' 'Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies'; he gets posthumous exhibition at Salon des Independents.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's first posters for music halls,'At the Moulin Rouge,'
'At the Moulin de la Galette,' 'Quazdrille at the Moulin Rouge,' 'Salon in the Rue des Moulins,' 'Women in a Brothel,' 'Monsieur Boileau.'
Mary Cassatt's 'Woman with a Dog

Suppression of evidence in the Alfred Dreyfus case in France
Oscar Wilde thrown into jail for homosexuality; suit fails against Marquess of Queensberry for libel
Lizzie Borden
Dalton Gang
The Seventh Cavalry, killers of innocent Indians at Wounded Knee

Baring's Bank goes bust in London
the 2% income tax comes to America in the Wilson Gorman tariff
Inheritance taxes in England
Failure of banks in Newfoundland
Haynes-Apperson car $3,500
Japan adopts the gold standard
Business recession in U.S.; 500 banks and 15,000 companies fail

Richard Strauss' tone poem 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'
Leoncavallo's opera "La Boheme," "I Pagliacci" (premiere in Milan)
Edward Elgar's 'Enigma Variations'
Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 1 (first version)
Sibelius Symphony No. 1 in E minor, and 'Finlandia'
Anton Bruckner's 3rd, 4th and 8th Symphonies
Puccini's opera "La Boheme"
and "Manon Lescaut" premieres in Milan
Tchaikovsky's opera "The Queen of Spades," ballet music for "Casse-Noisette,"
Symphony No. 6 in B minor (Pathetique), and music for "The Nutcracker" ballet - premiere in St. Petersburg
Carnegie Hall opens
Dvorak's Symphony no. 5
Sibelius Karelia Suite
Verdi's opera "Falstaff"
Claude Debussy's "L'Apre- midi d'un Faune"
Mahler's Symphonies No 1 and 2
Richard Strauss' symphonic poem "Merry Pranks"
Brahms' 'Four Serious Songs'
Hit songs:
"America the Beautiful," "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay," "After the Ball,""Happy Birthday to You," ""Home Sweet Home,"

Doubleday Publishing founded
H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine," "The Invisible Man," "The War of the Worlds"
W.B. Yeat's "Poems"
Bram Stoker's "Dracula"
Mark Twain's "Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson," "The Mysterious Stranger"
Leo Tolstoy's "The Kreutzer Sonata"
J.M. Barrie's "The Little Minister"
Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes mysteries begin in Strand Magazine ("The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,")
A.E. Housman's "A Shropshire Lad"
Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," "The Wessex Poems"
Henry James' "The Turn of the Screw"
Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray," "the Ballad of Reading Gaol"
Rudyard Kipling's "Barrack Room Ballads," (includes "Gunga Din") "The Jungle Book," "Captains Courageous"
Wedekind's "Spring's Awakening"
Emile Zola's "La Debacle," "Les Trois Villes"
Gabriele D'Annunzio's "The Intruder"
Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage," "The Open Boat," "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky," "The Blue Hotel
Anthony Hope's "The Prisoner of Zenda"
"Trilby" by George du Maurier
"Princess Aline" by Richard Davis

Another million Chinese in severe droughts and famine and another five million in India
10,000 in earthquake in Japan
350 Indians killed by U.S. Cavalry at Wounded Knee massacre
260 sailors in Battleship Maine explosion mystery
Vincent Van Gogh, 37
Cesar Franck, 67
Georges Seurat, 32
James Russell Lowell, 72
Herman Melville, 72
Arthur Rimbaud, 37
Johann Strauss, 74
R.W. von Bunsen, 88
Walt Whitman, 72
Alfred Lord Tennyson, 83
Lewis Carroll, 65
Henry Bessemer, 85
Aubrey Beardsley, 25
W.E. Gladstone, 89
Otto von Bismarck, 83
Johannes Brahms, 63
Guy de Maupassant, 43
Charles Gounod, 75
Petr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, 53
Czar Alexander III
Oliver Wendell Holmes, 85
Robert Louis Stevenson, 44
Louis Pasteur, 73
Paul Verlaine, 51
Harriet Beecher Stowe, 85
William Morris, 62
Anton Bruckner, 72
Alfred Nobel, 63
Sir Isaac Pitman
Matthew Brady
Lord Randolph Churchill
Abner Doubleday
Adolphe Sax
William Tecumseh Sherman
Frederick Douglass
P.T. Barnum
John Merrick (the Elephant Man)
Edwin Booth
Leland Stanford
John C. Fremont
Thomas Cook
Friedrich Engels
James Watt
John Greenleaf Whittier
Saint Therese
George Pullman
Sir Richard Burton
Emperor Alexander III Russia
Alexandre Dumas (fils)
Jay Gould
Emperor Pedro II Brazil
Sitting Bull

That guy has something about him, I must admit.
Give it an airing (take it away)
Give someone a dose of their own medicine
To be off one's trolly
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
Bite the bullet
Hot under the collar
All higgledy-piggledy
To be at the crossroads of something
To give someone the benefit of the doubt
Between you and me...
To bite off more than one can chew
To blaze a trail
Be a blessing in disguise
To burn one's boats
Something is the common garden variety
Something must cost a pretty penny
To cry wolf
An errand of mercy
The happy hunting ground
Hellbent for leather
To know the ropes
Something is a left-handed compliment
To put one's foot down
To sail the seven seas
Back to the salt mines
Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am
Cheap at half the price
It's a cinch
Rub salt in the wounds
Come up and see my etchings
(He's so ugly) his face would stop a clock
It's a small world
It's your funeral
My feet are killing me
You need your head examined
Something is below the belt
Hold your horses!
Home, James!

Azoimide synthesized
Discovery of helium
The terms 'electron' and 'photosynthesis'first used
Oxygen liquified
Alpha and beta rays in radioactive atoms discovered by Rutherford
Discovery of antitoxins
Plague and dysentery bacilli discovered
Skeletal remains of Pithecan- thropus erectus found in Java
Roeentgen discovers X-rays and treats cancer patients with them
Malaria bacillus identified
The Curies discover polonium
and begin experiments with radium
Discovery of neon, argon, metargon, phosphorus sesquisulphide
'Auriga,' a new star, observed in Milky Way
Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio waves over long distances
The existence of the virus proven in Russia
First open-heart surgery
Artificial-respiration method introduced
Heroin first used for medicine

Star of David becomes official Jewish people's emblem
Presbyterian evangelist Billy Sunday hot on the revial meeting circuit
Buddhist revival in Japan

World Exhibition in Chicago (Columbian Exposition for 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America)
World Exhibition in Brussels
Legitimate Theatres in New York built in Times Square area instead of Union Square.
Edwin Booth's last stage performance; Ends career as Hamlet
George Bernard Shaw's "Widower's Houses," "Arms and the Man," "Candida," "Caesar and Cleopatra"
Maurice Maeterlinck's "Pelleas et Melisande," "L'Interieur"
Victorien Sardou's "Thermidor"
Edmond Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" premieres in Paris
Henrik Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler," "John Gabriel Borkman"
Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan," "A Woman of No Importance," "The Importance of Being Ernest," "Salome"
Georges Feydeau "L'Hotel du Libre Exchange," "Un Fil a la Patte"
Gabriele D'Annunzio's ploay "La Giaconda"
Chekhov's "The Seagull"
Gilbert and Sullivan's last operetta "The Grand Duke"
"Robin Hood," "Wang," "A Trip to Chinatown," "The Passing Show of 1894," "Rob Roy," "The Belle of New York," and Victor Herbert's "The Wizard of the Nile,""The Serenade,"
and "The Fortune Teller"
Burlesque shows starring comedians Weber and Fields
Striptease show at Moulin Rouge Paris
Moscow Art Theatre founded by Stanislavsky
Eleanora Duse's debut in Vienna
The Chicago World Exhibition
Thomas A. Edison's Kinetoscope Parlor in New York and motion picture studio in West Orange, NJ.

Vogue Magazine and House Beautiful
England's 'Daily Graphic' first fully-illustrated daily
Daily Mail of London
First newspaper color section appears in New York World
William Randolph Hearst buys New York Journal
First advice-to-lovelorn column by "Dorothy Dix"
New York Times sold to Adolph Ochs who coins "All the news that's fit to print"
Ochs starts first book review supplement
First comic strip "Katzen- jammer Kids" in New York Journal

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:37 pm
by Harry
Great list Kat and Augusta!

We tend to think a lot of the things on there are newer than they actually are. I found that especially true with the sayings.

Fascinating stuff, thanks for posting it.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 10:26 am
by Tina-Kate
I wonder how so many of my mother's sayings came from the 1890s?!

The Art fascinates me the most.

I wonder whatever happened to "Heinz Celery Sauce" (ugh!)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 12:19 am
by Kat
Home, James!
Is that something Dr. Bowen said to his driver every day?

I was surprised at the *sayings* myself!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 12:46 am
by Audrey
Tina-Kate @ Wed May 26, 2004 10:26 am wrote:I wonder how so many of my mother's sayings came from the 1890s?!

The Art fascinates me the most.

I wonder whatever happened to "Heinz Celery Sauce" (ugh!)
Now... Celery sauce sounds good to me!

Celery Sauce

The following recipe was transcribed ver batim from the following vintage magazine:

The House
The Journal of Arts & Crafts


December, 1901

Two heads of celery, one pint milk, three ounces butter, three ounces flour, pepper and salt.

Scrub the celery and put aside all discoloured pieces; cut the rest small and place in a saucepan with enough cold water to cover it. The instant this water boils strain it off and put the celery to boil for about 1-1/2 hours in one pint of water and one pint of milk. Put the butter and flour into another pan and stir them over the fire until well blended, then add the celery and liquor, stir the mixture until boiling, rub through a hair sieve, season, re-warm, and serve.

But then I never eat ketchup.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:45 pm
by Kat
There's a hair in my sauce! :grin:

Anyway- this sounds almost like celery soup stock.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 11:14 am
by Tina-Kate
Yes, "celery soup stock", or something like Audrey's recipe sounds fine. I was imagining some kind of condensed, thick, salty, green mess used as a condiment like ketchup.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 11:28 am
by Audrey
It almost sounds like a relish of some sort.

I am inspired to make some to try it. The recipe sounds simple enough.....

I am going to make some today!

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 11:43 pm
by theebmonique


Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 12:03 am
by Audrey
It really is pretty good--- But I would only use it for a garnish on beef or fish.-- Sort of like a celery salsa!

I halfed the recipe and the worst part was running it through the sieve.

I liked it-- my kids (the ones who would try it) hated it...... But I like celery and they do not.