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New Lizzie Publication

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:59 am
by mbhenty

Not in bookstores yet but still another Lizzie title on the horizon. (LIZZIE BORDEN IN LOVE) How much of the book is based or about Lizzie should prove interesting. It appears to be a book of poems by author Julianna Baggott. (Also writes under pen name N.E. Bode.)

Miss Baggott has written several novels, a book of poetry and a book for children.

I hope there are more than "one" poem based on Lizzie Borden.

It is easy to use "Lizzie's" name to sell books today, especially if you are an established author............, but even an unknown can become a household name in a short time.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:05 pm
by mbhenty

Well, found the listing about Baggott's book on Lizzie on Mondo. Stefani had listed it back in June and I missed it. All this time I was so happy that we had discovered a new title never listed, but Stefani beat us to it................just one more reason to read MONDO.

Unlike Ruth Whitman's book of poetry, I hope this title contributes a generous portion of it's material to Lizzie. If you are going to use "Lizzie" in the title at least a quarter or 1/5th of the material in the book should be about her, No? :?:

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:45 am
by Kat
Well, look at it this way- you are reminding us of what is over there/out there. :smile: Thanks! I had forgotten.

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:56 am
by Fargo
I was pretty disappointed with Whitman's book "The Passion of Lizzie Borden" I don't have it in front of me but there was one short poem about the Borden case and the rest of the book had nothing to do with it. It seemed like fraud to me.

From what I read of the description of the book "Lizzie Borden in Love" it sounds like its the same thing. Of course we will have to wait and see.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:31 pm
by augusta
Fargo - It does sound fraudulent.

Unless it says, "... And Other Poems" that's pretty rotten to misrepresent the book in that way.

Mb - I think if a book says it's about Lizzie Borden - and mentions no one else in the title - the entire book should be about her.

One thing we can do when we come across a book like this is we can write a review on Amazon so others are warned - and, well, if the sales of the book happen to dwindle, so be it. :roll: I would not write a review, tho, unless I actually read the book.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:30 pm
by Bob Gutowski
That's right - if you read the whole thing, feel free to write a review on Amazon. You know I have!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:52 pm
by RayS
Last year I read that "Lizzie Borden" was the stage name of an actress in porno films. She was indicted, and this was in the newspapers.

"Lizzie Borden" may just be a known name used to sell books.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:53 am
by snokkums
I guess that even LIzzie can fall in love, even after she's dead.