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A Brother???

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:26 pm
by VicMeadows
Hey guys
So I was looking up theory of the case and one caught my eye. That Andrew Borden had a illegitimate son. Is this really true.

Re: A Brother???

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:06 am
by jcurrie
Welcome to this Board Vic. Happy to see another Lizzie Borden fanatic.

I think the theory that Andrew had an illegitimate son is just that, a theory. And if he indeed did exist and was the perpetrator, why kill Abby? She was innocent. Besides, the number of blows she received indicated that the killer had great rage and that the assault was personal.

Re: A Brother???

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:21 am
by camgarsky4
There are dozens of threads covering Arnold Brown's book and theory. Below is a single excerpt from one of those threads. J Currie it looks like you posted the initial message in this thread!! :grin:

Re: Arnold Brown's book
Post by twinsrwe » Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:40 pm

Yes, I read this book when it was first published. I don't put a lot of stock in Arnold Brown's theory because his theory is totally based on William being Andrew's illegitimate son and with no evidence to back up his claim, which leaves the reader to believe his story is nothing but fiction. This is one of the problems I have with his book, it is listed as a non-fiction book, when in reality it should have been listed as fiction. There are just so many loose ends and holes in his theory, it makes ones head spin. :shaking:

This is what Arnold Brown wrote on page xiv of his book, about Henry Hawthorne's memoirs:

When the materials arrived, my first reading invoked smiles. What I had was a collection of disconnected ramblings with events choreographed backwards, with simple timing wrong, and with major characters totally ignored or, at best, moved from their traditional locations.

Makes one wonder how Brown managed to unravel the story and come up with his theory, doesn't it? :scratch:

Arnold Brown admitted that he had no proof that William Borden was Andrew’s son. Check it out:

William S. Borden was actually the son of Charles Lott Church Borden and Phebe Hathaway.

Rebello, page 373 (Highlighting and underlining are mine):

It was alleged by author Arnold Brown that William S. Borden, the illegitimate son of Andrew J. Borden and Phebe Borden (wife if Deacon Charles L. C. Borden), committed the Borden murders in 1892. William Borden’s family was researched through primary and secondary sources. No information was located to substantiate Mr. Brown’s allegation.

"Profile: Charles Lott Church Borden was born in Fall River, November 12, 1811, and was the tenth of twelve children born to Joseph Borden (1763-1843) and Susan Church. Charles Borden was a carpenter and was involved in church work all his life. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in 1846. He later assisted in the formation of Second Baptist Church, serving as a deacon for many years.

Deacon Borden was married twice. His first marriage, at the age of twenty-eight, was to Phebe Hathaway, age twenty-three, on October 16, 1839. She was the daughter of Michael and Hannah (Davis) Hathaway of Freetown, Massachusetts. Phebe was born in Freetown, July 30, 1816. Charles L. and Phebe (Hathaway) Borden were the parents of six children: Charles A. Borden, Amanda M. Borden, Hannah H. Borden, Eliza Ann Borden, Eliza Ann Borden (2nd.), and William S. Borden."

Re: A Brother???

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:21 am
by Kat ... -1998.html

The Hatchet, Nov/Dec 2007 issue: myself and Linda Andrade Rodrigues collaborated on a reprint of her already published newspaper account on the origin of the William Borden story, that involves “Pete Peterson.”
Stef and I also have a copy of the original notes to which Brown refers (from Bill Pavao).Those notes are seemingly disjointed and hard to read (as he complains), but only because the document was translated from Braille.

Thank you for “diving into” this topic, George…you’re a gentleman… I couldn’t figure out how to respond to a broad inquiry, because it’s complicated.

Re: A Brother???

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:05 am
by Kat
There’s a funny story attached to Harry and my meeting with Linda in The New Bedford Standard Times news office.

We were looking for it, and we did see it from a freeway, but once we got off and into the local street system, we could not find the building! We think we must have passed it 3 times :shock: but were not late, after all.

I was in consultation with Linda and finalizing plans for our “Family Secrets” project for The Hatchet in a newsroom full of lots of big windows overlooking the street and a dozen working reporters!

Harry had wandered over to the windows and was intently watching the outdoors. No one paid any attention. Finally, he said, in just a normal voice, to the room full of journalists, “It looks like a gathering of people out there on the sidewalk with signs, starting a protest.” The whole place came alive and the energy soared and everyone scrambled to the windows where Harry was. He was the only one to notice news was being made right outside on their doorstep!
(And the room emptied pretty fast, too :detective: )

A Brother???

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:08 am
by Kat
New Bedford newspaper office

Re: A Brother???

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:36 am
by camgarsky4
Meaningless post....but you mentioning the newspaper offices and the journalists got me recalling the early 90's when I ran a group of community newspapers in San Diego. It was the best job environment I've ever been in, hands down. The energy and passion of a good journalist is incomparable and we felt like we had a purpose each and every day.

Re: A Brother???

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:07 pm
by Kat
That’s what it felt like working on The Hatchet for ten years!
Every story was exciting!