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Rural Cemetery, New Bedford

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:41 am
by Gramma
Doing my family obligation I visited Rural cemetery yesterday and decided to look the "neighborhood" of my great grandparents over. Just across the"street" I found some Delanos! And buried with them was a Cornell couple. Do you have any enlightenment on this group Fairhaven Guy?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 1:43 pm
by FairhavenGuy
Sorry, no, Gramma.

There are just so, so many Delanos. Basically, I stick to the "big" ones, such as the Warren Delano line, which leads to FDR and the Jabez Delano line, because Jabez Jr. and his daughter, the artist Elizabeth T. Delano, were prominent in Fairhaven. (Those will be discussed on my "Fairhaven Center Walking Tour" next Saturday afternoon at 2:00, beginning at Leonard E. Pierce Memorial Park, corner of South and Fort streets, Fairhaven. Free.)

I'll check through some things I have at work tomorrow.

There is, though, an organization The Delano Kindred, Inc., that has tons of Delano info. I think their website is something like You can Google for them.

I'll shall note, though, that in February my father-in-law retired from the New Bedford Cemetery Department. He was a mechanic and worked in one of those brick buildings in Rural Cemetery near the Dartmouth Street entrance.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:16 pm
by Gramma
Oh, how your father-in-law will enjoy this story!
It was a gorgeous spring day as I headed into the city of New Bedford after taking a minor side trip to Horseneck Beach. Couldn't resist on a day so beautiful. As usual I had to stop and ask directions to Rural Cemetery as I really don't know New Bedford streets that well and I had taken the back roads through Dartmouth from the beach. Luckily, I asked a woman at a Dunkin Donuts shop only one block from Rockdale Avenue. As she said the name I remembered, oh yes, go past Buttonwood Park on the right and a bit further down is Rural Cemetery on the left. But I wanted to go in at the gate with the office. So I drove all the way around to the other side. Then I remembered, it's Saturday and I doubt anyone will be at the office. Sure enough, it was closed. Now, if you think finding your way around in New Bedford is bad you should try to find one cemetery lot in Rural Cemetery. Each time I have gone I have made an effort to memorize the way and the surroundings, but it is so long between visits that excess knowledge seems to get pushed to the back and finally right out of my brain. I knew I had to follow the perimeter road for a way but the stones were facing a different direction so you do not notice the names right away. Well, off I went, driving in slow, lazy circles like an owl trying to spot its prey from the sky. No, luck and I thought I would be doomed to a stone by stone search of the place depending on a great deal of luck to get me out of there before dark. Definitely not a place I wanted to be after dark in that city! Then out of the blue a pick-up truck with wonderful words, something like City of New Bedford Cemetery Maintenence, went around my slow moving vehicle. Well, I laid on the horn and lit out after him at full speed. Here was my only glimmer of hope! He pulled over immediately which was good because I didn't want to wake too many peaceful inhabitants with my blaring horn. He did not know where the lot was that I was talking about and politely told me to come back during the week when the office was open and they would be more than happy to look it up and give me directions. I explained that would be impossible as I was from Maine and could not come back soon. It must have been the desparate look in my eyes or the incessant pleading of my voice but he finally said if I had an exact death date he might be able to look it up at the brick building he was headed for since it was quitting time (noon). Eureka! I did know my great grandfather's date of death and followed him back to the maintenence barn.
It worked!!! He led me right to the lot and it was within 10 feet of where I had been! All I can say is God bless the New Bedford Cemetery Maintenence crew at Rural Cemetery!!!
If your father-in-law knows the guy who is pretty much head of the crew on Saturdays, specifically Saturday, May 1, 2004, please have him convey my sincere thanks for going above and beyond the call. It made my day a whole lot more pleasant!


Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 9:51 pm
by FairhavenGuy
I'll pass along the story. It actually sounds like something he would have done when he was working there.

It's nice to hear good stuff about municipal employees.

It was lovely Saturday (May 1) but we in Fairhaven were stuck inside with Annual Town Meeting.

Hope you got some Gray's Ice Cream.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 10:28 pm
by Kat
Thank you for the pictures and the story, Gramma!